Translation of "했었죠" in English

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "했었죠" in a sentence and their english translations:

사실 시도도 했었죠.

In fact, they tried.

우리는 사람들이 감염되었다가 회복되는 것을 전제로 했었죠.

So, in our model we assume that people recover from infection.

강연을 시작하며 여러분께 한쪽 눈을 감아보라고 했었죠.

I began this talk by asking you all to close one of your eyes.

그분들이나 저나 대화 주제를 빨리 바꾸려고 했었죠.

They or I knew to quickly steer the conversation to other topics.

망토를 입고 수퍼히어로처럼 미래로 날아가지 않을까 했었죠.

and would practically wear a cape flying into her superhero future.