Translation of "大丈夫です" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "大丈夫です" in a sentence and their english translations:

- 大丈夫ですよ。
- 私は大丈夫です。

- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I'm okay.

- 大丈夫ですか?
- 大丈夫?
- 大丈夫ですか。

- Is everything okay?
- Are you all right?


I'm fine.


- I'll be fine.
- I'll be OK.

- 大丈夫ですか?
- すべて大丈夫ですか。
- いい?

- Is everything all right?
- Is everything okay?
- Is everything OK?
- Are you alright?
- All good?


Are you doing all right?


- There are no problems.
- That's OK.
- There's no problem.
- There is no problem.


I'm fine now.


If we hurry, we'll make it.


- Is everybody OK?
- Is everyone all right?


Is everybody all right?


- Are you feeling OK?
- Are you feeling okay?


- Is everything all right?
- Is everything OK?
- Everything all right?


I'm doing pretty well.

- 大丈夫ですか?
- 大丈夫?

Are you OK?

- 率直に話しても大丈夫です。
- 素直にお話なっても大丈夫です。

- You can afford to speak frankly.
- You've got licence to speak frankly.


Mr Ford is all right now.


Is that person okay?


I am quite all right now.


He's feeling OK now, isn't he?

- 問題ないよ。
- 大丈夫ですよ。

- Never mind.
- No prob.
- No problem.
- That's OK.
- No worries.


It's enough for five days.


The schedule's fine as long as nothing clashes.


- He can be relied on.
- You can rely upon him.


Is it OK not to wait?


She is all right at the moment.

- 私は大丈夫です。
- 私は元気です。

- It's all right with me.
- I'm OK.
- I am well.
- I'm well.


This sweater will stand washing.

- 平気だよ。
- 大丈夫ですよ。
- 大丈夫だ。

- It's all right.
- It's OK.
- I've had enough.
- This tastes good.
- That's OK.
- That's fine.
- This is good.

- みんな、大丈夫?
- 全員大丈夫ですか?

- Is everybody OK?
- Is everybody okay?
- Is everyone OK?

- 大丈夫ですよ。
- 私は大丈夫です。
- 私は元気です。
- 元気でやってるよ。
- 大丈夫だ。
- 私は大丈夫。

- I'm doing fine.
- I'm fine.
- It's all right with me.
- I am okay.
- I'm OK.
- I'm doing well.
- I am fine.
- I'm alright.
- I'm all right.
- I'm okay.
- I'm well.


We should make it if the traffic isn't too heavy.

- 異常ありませんか。
- すべて大丈夫ですか。

- Is everything all right?
- Is everything okay?
- Is everything OK?
- Everything all right?
- Is everything in order?
- All good?


Are you OK for drinking water in an emergency?


Tom doesn't need to wear glasses anymore.


She said with deepest tenderness, "Are you all right"?


- I know you can rely on him for transportation.
- I know that you can rely on him for transportation.

- 問題ないよ。
- 大丈夫ですよ。
- お安い御用ですよ。

- No problem!
- No problem.
- No worries!


These shoes will stand up to hard use.

- 全てうまくいってますか。
- すべて大丈夫ですか。

- Is everything all right?
- Is everything okay?
- Is everything in order?
- All good?

- 試着してもいいですか。
- 試着しても大丈夫ですか?

- Do you mind if I try this on?
- May I try that on?


Don't worry. The ambulance will be here soon.

- 問題ないよ。
- 大丈夫ですよ。
- 了解。
- 問題なし。
- 問題ないです。

- No problem!
- No prob.
- No problem.


Don't worry about it. Everything's going to be fine.


- Is it OK to feed my dog the same thing that I feed my cat?
- Is it OK to feed my dog the same thing I feed my cat?

- チーズって凍らせても大丈夫?
- チーズは冷凍しても大丈夫ですか?

Is it OK to freeze cheese?

- 少し休めば元気になるでしょう。
- ちょっと休めば大丈夫です。

I'll be fine if I take a little rest.


I told her she looked pale, and asked if she was all right.

- どうも、ちょっと見るだけ。
- ちょっと見てるだけなので、大丈夫です。

I'm just looking, thank you.

- 万事順調だ。
- 万事具合がいい。
- 万事よろしい。
- 大丈夫だよ。
- 大丈夫です。

- Everything is OK.
- Everything is all right.
- It's OK.
- Everything is alright.
- Everything's fine.
- Everything's in order.


You can add sentences that you do not know how to translate.


This camel is so tame that anyone can ride it.


You can add sentences that you can't translate yourself. Maybe someone else can translate them!

- ここで写真を撮ってもよろしいですか。
- ここは写真撮って大丈夫ですか?

Are we allowed to take pictures here?

- 調子はどうですか。
- 調子いいですか。
- 大丈夫ですか?
- 元気ですか。
- 元気?
- 大丈夫?

- What's up?
- You all right?
- How is it going?
- How are you doing?
- How's it going?
- How are you?
- How are you going?

- いいえ、けっこうです。見ているだけですから。
- 大丈夫です。見てるだけなので。

No, thank you. I'm just looking around.

- 彼を当てにして大丈夫です。
- 彼を信用していい。
- あなたは彼を当てにしてもよい。

- You can rely on him.
- You may rely on him.
- You can trust him.

- 雨が上がるまでここに居てもいいですか?
- 雨が止むまでここに居ても大丈夫ですか?

Can we stay here until it stops raining?

- ラジオを切ってもいいですか?
- ラジオを消しても構わないですか?
- ラジオを止めても大丈夫ですか?

- May I turn off the radio?
- May I turn the radio off?


They may even ask if you are all right or if there is something they can help you with.

- 彼を当てにして大丈夫です。
- 彼は信頼できる。
- 君は彼目当てにして良い。
- 君は彼をあてにしていい。

- You can rely on him.
- You may rely on him.
- He can be trusted.
- He can be relied on.
- You can rely upon him.
- You can count on him.
- He can be counted on.

- ラジオを消していただけないでしょうか。
- ラジオを切ってもいいですか?
- ラジオを消しても構わないですか?
- ラジオを止めても大丈夫ですか?

- Would you mind if I turned off the radio?
- Would you mind if I turned the radio off?