Translation of "これこそ" in English

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Examples of using "これこそ" in a sentence and their english translations:

- これこそ私が探していた本だ。
- これこそまさに私が探していた本です。
- これこそまさしく私がさがしていた本です。
- これこそが私が捜していた本だ。

This is the very book I have been looking for.


This is just the book I was looking for.


I believe this is a case in point.


This is the very book for you to read.

- これこそ私が探していた辞書です。
- これこそがまさに私が探していた辞書です。

- This is the very dictionary I've been looking for.
- This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for.

これこそが 問題の核心なのです

And that is the crux of the problem, isn't it?


This is the very book that I want to read.


This is the very CD I've been looking for.


This is the very video I wanted to see.


This is the very dictionary that I have wanted so long.


This, in essence, is the secret of science.

これこそ この技術の力だと 私は思います

For me, this is the real power of this technology.


This is the very thing that I wanted.


This is the very dictionary that I have been looking for.


This is just what I have been looking for so long.


This is the very thing that you need.


This is the very thing you need now.


Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.


This is the very book that I have long wanted to read.

- これこそ私が探していたCDです。
- これが探していたCDだ。

This is just the CD that I was looking for.


This is the very place I have long wanted to visit.

- これこそ私の欲しいものです。
- これが私の欲しいものです。
- これ、私が欲しいやつなんだ。

This is what I want.

- これこそ事故現場に乗り捨ててあった単車だ。
- これが事故現場に残されていたのと同じオートバイです。

This is the same motorcycle that was left at the scene of the accident.

- これこそ事件現場に乗り捨ててあった自動車だ。
- これが事件現場に乗り捨てられていたものと同じ車です。

This is the same car that was left at the scene of the crime.

- 丁度欲しかった物です。
- これはちょうど私がほしいと思っていたものです。
- これこそ僕が欲しいと思っていたものだ。
- これこそ求めていたものですよ。
- これがまさに私の欲しかったものです。
- これがちょうど私が欲しかったものです。
- あれはちょうど僕が欲しかったものだ。
- まさにこれが欲しかったんです。
- それね、ちょうど欲しかったの。
- これね、ちょうど欲しかったんだ。

- This is just what I wanted.
- This is the very thing that I wanted.
- That's just what I wanted.
- That is just what I wanted.
- It's just what I wanted.
- It's exactly what I wanted.
- This is exactly what I wanted.
- That's exactly what I wanted.

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