Translation of "かもしれませんが" in English

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Examples of using "かもしれませんが" in a sentence and their english translations:


And perhaps surprisingly,


You might think of going crazy,


you'll be surprised and shocked to know


Now, that might sound very disappointing,

時間は余分に かかるかもしれませんが

It might take a little bit longer.

陸地に上がろうとする魚 かもしれませんが

or maybe a fish crawling onto land.


In fact, it's more like an apple, though,

ちょっと大袈裟に 聞こえるかもしれませんが

And it may sound like he was being overly dramatic,

もう一つ バカみたいに見えるかもしれませんが

Oh, dear; here’s one that seems very, very silly,


You may have swelling, but don't worry about it.

少し気持ち悪いかもしれませんが ご容赦ください

I apologize for some of the gruesome views.


It might rain, but I'm going anyhow.

適切ではないと思うかもしれませんが 事実なのです

You might think it's out of order, but in actual fact,

3次元の物体をプリントする 3Dプリントをご存知かもしれませんが

You probably heard about 3D printing of 3D objects.

そんな仕事がいくつあるのかと 思うかもしれませんが

You might ask how many of those there are,

私を『The Flashlight Girl(懐中電灯少女)』として ご存知かもしれませんが

that you may know me for, as "The Flashlight Girl,"

それは車が走れる速度のおかげと 思うかもしれませんが

what allows it to move forward isn't how fast cars are moving,

かなり礼儀に欠ける言いように 聞こえるかもしれませんが

Now, that may sound like a highly uncivil thing to say,

良い親が子育てをすれば 問題ないと言えるかもしれませんが

as long as their parents are good parents, they're going to do just fine.


That coat may have cost a lot of money, but it's worth it.


He may be clever, but he often makes careless mistakes.


I may have hurt your feelings, but such was not my intention.


Although we may want to be international, we all have our limits.


The email that I sent previously was probably not clear. You don't need to submit anything.


And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too.

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