Translation of "Christian" in English

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Examples of using "Christian" in a sentence and their english translations:

Gunther Baier e Christian Müller

Gunther Baier and Christian Müller

Christian lavora principalmente in ufficio e nella progettazione.

Christian mainly works in the office and in planning.

Christian Zinke non lavora solo con il "Sonnenhof-Solawi".

Christian Zinke not only works with the "Sonnenhof-Solawi".

Tuttavia, Christian e il suo collega Simone Ott amano

However, Christian and his colleague Simone Ott like to

Leader della Southern Christian Leadership Conference dopo l'assassinio di King l'

leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference after King’s assassination the

Christian semina i suoi microgreens nel terreno invece che sul substrato.

Christian sows his microgreens in soil instead of on substrate.

I fratelli Christian e Matthias, Emely e il dipendente Owe pensano a

the brothers Christian and Matthias, Emely and employee Owe think about