Translation of "Er –" in English

0.024 sec.

Examples of using "Er –" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Er sagt, er kenne dich.
- Er sagt, er kenne Sie.
- Er sagt, er kenne euch.

He says that he knows you.

- Er sagte, er wolle Wasser trinken.
- Er sagte, dass er durstig ist.
- Er sagte, er habe Durst.

He said that he's thirsty.

- Er rannte.
- Er lief.

- He ran.
- He was running.

- Er isst.
- Er speist.

- He is eating.
- He's eating.
- He eats.

- Er lügt.
- Er lügt!

- He tells a lie.
- He is lying.
- He's lying.
- He lies.

- Er rennt.
- Er läuft.

He runs.

- Er übte.
- Er trainierte.

He exercised.

- Er läuft Schlittschuh.
- Er läuft Rollschuh.
- Er fährt Skateboard.
- Er skatet.

He is skating.

- Er sagte, er habe Klaustrophobie.
- Er sagte, dass er Klaustrophobie habe.

He said that he was claustrophobic.

- Er sagte, dass er verzweifelt sei.
- Er sagte, er sei verzweifelt.

He said that he felt desperate.

- Er sagte mir, er kenne dich.
- Er sagte mir, er kenne Sie.
- Er sagte mir, er kenne euch.

He told me he knew you.

- Er zögerte, bevor er antwortete.
- Er antwortete zögerlich.

He hesitated before answering.

- Er ging weg.
- Er ging.
- Er brach auf.

He walked away.

- Er sagte mir, er sei reich.
- Er sagte mir, dass er wohlhabend sei.
- Er sagte mir, er sei wohlhabend.

He told me that he was wealthy.



Er ist liebevoll, er ist freundlich, er ist sensibel, er ist fürsorglich,

He's loving, he's kind, he's sensitive, he's nurturing,

- Er sagt, dass er gleich komme.
- Er sagt, dass er sofort käme.

He says he will come at once.

- Er kann tun, was er will!
- Er kann machen, was er will!

He can do what he wants!

- Er tat so, als schliefe er.
- Er tat so, als schlafe er.

He pretended to be asleep.

- Er redet, als wäre er reich.
- Er spricht, als wäre er reich.

He speaks as if he were rich.

- Er sagte, er weiß es nicht.
- Er sagte, er wisse es nicht.

He said that he didn't know.

- Er sagte mir, dass er mich liebe.
- Er sagte, er liebe mich.

He told me that he loved me.

- Er sagte, er habe großen Hunger.
- Er sagte, er sei sehr hungrig.

He said that he was very hungry.

- Er war naiv.
- Er war töricht.
- Er war einfältig.
- Er war leichtgläubig.
- Er war zu treuherzig.

He was naive.

- Er rannte, so schnell er konnte.
- Er rannte so schnell, wie er konnte.
- Er lief so schnell, wie er konnte.

He ran as fast as he could.

Er glaubt, dass er wird

He believes he will

Er sagt, was er denkt.

He's a plain speaker.

- Er ging.
- Er ist gegangen.

- He walked away.
- He went away.
- He left.
- He went.
- He's gone.
- He's left.
- He was gone.

- Er verschlief.
- Er hat verschlafen.

He overslept himself.

Er sah, dass er irrte.

- He saw that he was wrong.
- He saw he was wrong.

Er meint, was er sagt.

He is sincere about what he says.

Er sagte, er sei arm.

He said he was poor.

Er sagte, er sei glücklich.

He said that he was happy.

- Er isst.
- Er isst gerade.

- He is eating.
- He's eating.
- He eats.

Er weiß, was er tut.

He knows what he's doing.

Er dachte, er machte Witze.

I thought he was joking.

Er bekam, was er wollte.

He got what he wanted.

Er bekam, was er verdiente.

- She got what she deserved.
- He got what he deserved.
- That serves him right.

Er weiß, wovon er redet.

He knows what he's talking about.

- Er kam.
- Er ist gekommen.

He came.

- Er errötete.
- Er wurde rot.

He turned red.

Er schrieb, wie er sprach.

He wrote like he spoke.

- Er ist erblindet.
- Er erblindete.

He went blind.

- Er liest.
- Er liest gerade.

- He is reading.
- He's reading.
- She is reading.

Er zögerte, bevor er antwortete.

He hesitated before answering.

- Ist er gekommen?
- Kam er?

- Has he come yet?
- Has he arrived yet?
- Has he come?

Er sagt, er wird kommen.

- He says he will come.
- He says he'll come.

Er sagte, er sei beschäftigt.

He said he was busy.

Er sagte, er würde kommen.

He said he would come.

Er weiß, was er will.

- He knows what he wants.
- She knows what she wants.

Er sagte, er heiße Tom.

He said his name was Tom.

Er fand, wonach er suchte.

He found what he was looking for.

- Er spuckte.
- Er hat gespuckt.

He spit.

- Er hinkte.
- Er hat gehinkt.

He limped.

Er fürchtet, dass er stirbt.

He is afraid that he will die.

- Er ist gestorben.
- Er starb.

He died.

- Er ist tot.
- Er starb.

- He is dead.
- He's dead.

Er sagte, er sei Russe.

He said he was Russian.

- Er lachte.
- Er hat gelacht.

He laughed.

- Er riecht übel.
- Er stinkt.

He smells bad.

Er sagt, er kenne euch.

He says that he knows you.

Er sagt, er kenne Sie.

He says that he knows you.

Er sagt, er kenne dich.

He says that he knows you.

Er sagt, er sei Künstler.

He says he's an artist.

Er sagte, er verstehe Französisch.

He said that he understood French.

Er sagte, er wäre hungrig.

He said he was feeling hungry.

Er sagte, er sei unschuldig.

- He said that he was innocent.
- He said he was innocent.

Er sagte, er wolle gehen.

- He said that he wanted to go.
- He said he wanted to leave.
- He said he wanted to go.

Er sagte, er habe Angst.

- He said that he was afraid.
- He said he was afraid.

Er sagte mir, er käme.

- He told me that he'd come.
- He told me he'd come.

Er sagte mir, er arbeite.

- She told me that she was working.
- He told me he was working.

Er sagt, er sei enttäuscht.

He says he's disappointed.

Er sagt, er bereue nichts.

He says he has no regrets.

Er sagte, er habe Durst.

- He said that he's thirsty.
- He said he was thirsty.

Er sagte, er sei aufgeregt.

He said that he's excited.

Er sagt, er habe Hunger.

- He says that he's hungry.
- He says he's hungry.

Er sagt, er hat Spaß.

He says he's having fun.