Translation of "Framboises" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Framboises" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ils mangeront tes framboises.
- Ils mangeront vos framboises.
- Elles mangeront tes framboises.
- Elles mangeront vos framboises.

They will eat your raspberries.

J'aime les framboises.

I like raspberries.

Je mangeais des framboises.

I was eating some strawberries.

Tom mange des framboises.

- Tom eats raspberries.
- Tom is eating raspberries.
- Tom's eating raspberries.

Je cueillais des framboises.

I cut raspberries.

Elles mangeront tes framboises.

They'll eat your raspberries.

Les framboises coûtent très cher.

Raspberries are very expensive.

Les framboises sont chères en hiver.

Raspberries are expensive in the winter.

Les framboises, les baies de sureau, les sorbiers, les

Raspberries, elderberries, mountain ash,

La confiture de framboises sur du pain grillé est mon petit déjeuner préféré.

Raspberry jam on toast is my favorite breakfast meal.

« Tom, regarde les framboises que j'ai cueillies. Tu en veux ? » demanda Marie qui en glissa quelques unes dans la bouche déjà couverte de framboise. Tom se figea : « C'est sympa de ta part, mais vraiment sans façon. Écoute, Marie, je suis désolé ! »

"Look, Tom – I've picked some raspberries. Do you want some?" asked Mary, shoving a few into her raspberry-smeared mouth. Tom grimaced. "It's nice of you to ask," he said, "but I can't stand raspberries. Really sorry, Mary!"