Translation of "Devint" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Devint" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle devint actrice.

She became an actress.

Elle devint heureuse.

She became happy.

Bob devint ministre.

Bob became a minister.

Il devint pianiste.

He became a pianist.

Elle devint infirmière.

She became a nurse.

Javier devint rouge.

Javier turned red.

Elle devint célèbre.

He became famous.

Il devint vieux.

He grew old.

Tout devint noir.

Everything went black.

L'air devint chaud.

The air became warm.

Qui devint quelqu'un d'incroyable,

who became an incredible man,

L'arbre devint très grand.

The tree grew very tall.

Que devint son fils ?

- What has become of his son?
- What has become of her son?

Il devint un traître.

He turned traitor.

L'écran devint tout noir.

- The screen blacked out.
- The screen turned all black.

Tom devint très agressif.

Tom became very aggressive.

Le temps devint mauvais.

The weather turned bad.

La partie devint palpitante.

The game became exciting.

Tom devint très malade.

Tom became very ill.

Son rêve devint réalité.

His dream came true.

- L'homme rougit.
- L'homme devint rouge.

The man blushed.

Il devint un chanteur célèbre.

He became a famous singer.

Il devint blême de peur.

- He turned pale with fear.
- He turned pale with fright.

Il devint un grand musicien.

He became a great musician.

Elle devint un docteur célèbre.

She grew up to be a famous doctor.

- Il vieillissait.
- Il devint vieux.

He was getting old.

Marie devint pâle de rage.

Mary became pale with rage.

La pauvre fille devint aveugle.

The poor girl went blind.

Il devint un insigne d'amour monastique.

it became an insignia of monastic love.

La tempête devint encore plus violente.

The storm became even more violent.

Il devint fou en entendant l'histoire.

He went mad when he heard the story.

Il devint plus sage en vieillissant.

He became wiser as he grew older.

Il devint un charmant jeune homme.

He became a nice young man.

Son livre devint l'objet de critiques.

His book became an object of criticism.

Son visage devint blême de peur.

His face went white with fear.

Il devint orphelin à dix ans.

He became an orphan when he was ten.

- Tom devenait nerveux.
- Tom devint nerveux.

- Tom got nervous.
- Tom became nervous.

- Tom a pâli.
- Tom devint blême.

Tom turned pale.

Franklin Roosevelt devint président en 1933.

Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933.

À sa vue, il devint rouge.

Upon seeing her, he turned red.

devint la première femme de l’histoire

became the first woman in history

Sami devint subitement aveugle et sourd.

Sami suddenly went blind and deaf.

- Javier devenait rouge.
- Javier devint rouge.

Javier turned red.

- L'eau se glaça.
- L'eau devint glace.

The water turned to ice.

Lorsque la guerre éclata, Ney devint officier et devint aide de camp du général Lamarche:

When war broke out, Ney was made an officer, and became aide-de-camp to General Lamarche:

- Il devint de plus en plus célèbre comme critique.
- Il devint toujours plus célèbre comme critique.

- He became more and more famous as a critic.
- He became ever more famous as a critic.

- Elle devint mère à l'âge de 15 ans.
- Elle devint mère quand elle eut 15 ans.

She became a mother when she was fifteen years old.

- L'air est devenu chaud.
- L'air devint chaud.

The air became warm.

Le lait se gela et devint solide.

The milk froze and became solid.

À la fin, le poète devint fou.

The poet went mad in the end.

Elle aimait le tennis et devint coach.

She liked tennis and became a tennis coach.

Il devint de plus en plus célèbre.

He became more and more famous.

Sa voiture devint vite hors de vue.

His car soon went out of sight.

- Il devint vieux.
- Il est devenu vieux.

He grew old.

Lorsqu'il parla, tout le monde devint silencieux.

When he spoke, everyone became silent.

L'industrie cinématographique devint une grosse activité économique.

The movie industry became a big business.

Tout à coup, le temps devint nuageux.

All of a sudden, it became cloudy.

- Il est devenu célèbre.
- Elle devint célèbre.

He became famous.

Le prince devint roi en ce jour.

The prince became a king that day.

- Tout devint noir.
- Tout est devenu noir.

Everything went black.

- Il est devenu pianiste.
- Il devint pianiste.

He became a pianist.

Dan devint la cible des criminels dangereux.

Dan became the target of dangerous criminals.