Translation of "Putoavat" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Putoavat" in a sentence and their english translations:

Syksyllä lehdet putoavat puista.

- In autumn, leaves fall from trees.
- In the autumn, leaves fall from trees.

Apinatkin putoavat toisinaan puusta.

- Even the worthy Homer sometimes nods.
- Every man has his faults.
- Even monkeys fall from trees.

Putoavat kivet ovat vaarana kiipeilijöille.

Falling rocks present a danger to climbers.

- Porsaat syövät kaikki omenat, jotka putoavat maahan.
- Kaikki maahan putoavat omenat joutuvat porsaiden syömiksi.

All of the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs.

- Lehdet tippuvat syksyllä.
- Lehdet putoavat syksyllä.

The leaves fall in autumn.

On ollut todella helteinen kesä. Lehdet putoavat puista vaikka ei ole vielä syksy.

- It had been a really hot summer; though it wasn't yet autumn, leaves were falling from the trees.
- It had been a really hot summer; leaves were falling from the trees, though it wasn't yet autumn.