Translation of "Sweating" in Spanish

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Sweating" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Tom is sweating.
- Tom's sweating.

Tom está sudando.

I'm sweating.

Estoy sudando.

Tom was sweating.

Tom estaba sudando.

I was sweating.

Estaba sudando.

I started sweating.

Comencé a sudar.

And he was sweating.

y transpiraba.

Tom is sweating heavily.

Tom está sudando con intensidad.

You're not even sweating.

Ni siquiera estás sudando.

My armpits were sweating.

Mis axilas estaban sudando.

Tom is sweating now.

Tom está sudando ahora.

Tom was sweating profusely.

- Tom estaba sudando profusamente.
- Tom estaba sudando mucho.

Why are you sweating?

¿Por qué estás sudando?

And I was sweating profusely.

y yo sudaba muchísimo,

We're sweating in this heat.

Estamos sudando en esta calor.

We were sweating in the heat.

Estábamos sudando con el calor.

I am sweating in my bed.

Estoy sudando en mi cama.

We are sweating in the heat.

Estamos sudando en la calor.

You're sweating like a pig, Tom.

Estás sudando como un cerdo, Tom.

Tom is sweating like a pig.

Tom está sudando como un cerdo.

I was sweating a little bit.

Estaba sudando un poquito.

- Tom is sweating.
- Tom is perspiring.

Tom está sudando.

Sweating allows the human body to regulate its temperature.

- La sudoración permite al cuerpo humano regular su temperatura.
- Sudar permite al cuerpo humano regular su temperatura.
- El sudor permite regular la temperatura corporal.

It's so warm in this room that I'm sweating.

Se está tan caliente en esta habitación que estoy sudando.

There's a lot of jumping; there's a lot of sweating.

Hay muchos saltos, mucha transpiración.

During warm weather, sweating helps man regulate his body temperature.

Durante tiempo calurosos, sudar ayuda al hombre a regular su temperatura corporal.

Tom was sweating profusely after a half an hour on the treadmill.

Tom estaba sudando profusamente después de media hora en la cinta rodante.

The most commonly reported flu symptoms are fever, chills, sweating, astheania, headache and nausea.

Los síntomas de la gripe más comúnmente reportados son fiebre, escalofríos, sudoración, astenia, dolor de cabeza y náuseas.

If you're not sweating when you do cardio, then you're not doing it hard enough.

Si no sudas cuando haces cardio, entonces no lo estás haciendo con suficiente intensidad.

Between the sweating tourists and the agonizing pigeons, Paris, during the summer, is madly elegant!

Entre los turistas sudorosos y las agonizantes palomas, París, durante el verano, ¡es terriblemente elegante!