Translation of "Removed" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "Removed" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He removed his shirt.

Él se quitó la camisa.

Doctors removed the bullet.

Los doctores extrajeron la bala.

Tom removed his disguise.

Tom se sacó su disfraz.

Tom removed his socks.

Tomás se quitó las medias.

The tumor was removed.

- Le quitaron el tumor.
- Le sacaron el tumor.
- Le removieron el tumor.
- Removieron el tumor.
- Sacaron el tumor.

Mary removed her disguise.

Mary se quitó el disfraz.

When the cyst was removed,

Cuando le extrajimos el quiste

Tom carefully removed the bandage.

Tom cuidadosamente sacó el vendaje.

It needs to be removed.

Tiene que ser retirado.

We removed the old furniture.

Quitamos el amueblado viejo.

Tom removed his wet socks.

- Tomás se quitó los calcetines mojados.
- Tomás se quitó las medias mojadas.
- Tomás se sacó los calcetines mojados.
- Tomás se sacó las medias mojadas.

She removed her wet socks.

- Se quitó las medias mojadas.
- Se sacó las medias mojadas.
- Se quitó los calcetines mojados.
- Se sacó los calcetines mojados.

He removed his wet socks.

- Se quitó las medias mojadas.
- Se sacó las medias mojadas.
- Se quitó los calcetines mojados.
- Se sacó los calcetines mojados.

May 1 removed from the calendar

1 de mayo eliminado del calendario

She removed him from her memory.

Ella lo borró de su memoria.

He removed him from the list.

Él lo tachó de la lista.

The police officer removed Tom's handcuffs.

El policía le quitó las esposas a Tom.

It can't be removed. It's fixed.

No se puede quitar. Está fijo.

She removed the papers from the desk.

Ella quitó los documentos del escritorio.

He removed himself from that murder case.

Él dejó ese caso de asesinato.

She removed the dishes from the table.

Ella recogió la mesa.

Tom removed the splinter from Mary's finger.

Tom retiró la astilla del dedo de María.

Now that they had removed the grass,

ahora que ellos habían extraído el pasto,

Tom removed the lid from the box.

Tom quitó la tapa de la caja.

It can't be removed. It's attached permanently.

No se puede quitar. Está fijo.

Which have been removed here in the picture,

que han sido removidas de esta fotografía,

At eight, my left eye was surgically removed.

A los 8, me extrajeron quirúrgicamente el ojo izquierdo.

But whether the treasure of Karun was removed

Pero si el tesoro de Karun fue eliminado

First these blind plugs have to be removed.

Primero hay que quitar estos tapones ciegos.

I had the nerve removed from my tooth.

- Tenía el nervio de mi diente desvitalizado.
- Me había quitado el nervio de mi diente.
- Me hicieron un tratamiento de conducto.

The posters were immediately removed from the wall.

Los posters fueron inmediatamente retirados de la pared.

The president of Brazil was removed from office.

Destituyeron a la presidenta de Brasil.

I removed the dates eventually in the URLs.

era fechas Quité las fechas eventualmente las URLs

Is so far removed from what it's really like.

es muy diferente de lo que es en realidad.

Once I removed myself from the culture and lifestyle

Una vez que salí de la cultura y el estilo

She removed her hat when she entered the room.

Ella se quitó el sombrero en cuanto entró a la habitación.

- Tom took off his glasses.
- Tom removed his glasses.

Tom se quitó las gafas.

- Tom removed his socks.
- Tom took off his socks.

Tom se quitó los calcetines.

And the doctors removed 12 cm of my femur,

y los doctores extrajeron 12 cm de mi fémur

- He removed his shirt.
- He took off his shirt.

Él se quitó la camisa.

- They removed a kidney.
- They took out a kidney.

Le quitaron un riñón.

- It must be removed.
- He must be taken away.

Tienes que moverlo.

And a couple of support tractors have to be removed.

y un par de tractores de soporte deben removerse.

We are also very interested in who removed the virus

También estamos muy interesados ​​en saber quién eliminó el virus.

Most of the children we had removed from the orphanage

La mayoría de los niños que habíamos sacado del orfanato

If the building material is frozen, the formwork is removed.

Si el material de construcción está congelado, se retira el encofrado.

The stone walls that otherwise fortify the banks have been removed.

Se han eliminado los muros de piedra que de otro modo fortificaban los bancos.

Zoom installed for everyone now started to be removed one by one

El zoom instalado para todos ahora comenzó a eliminarse uno por uno

After the fiber traces had been removed, she passed the adhesive tape

Después de eliminar los rastros de fibra, pasó la cinta adhesiva

I'm curious to know why they removed my name from the list.

Tengo curiosidad de saber por qué quitaron mi nombre de la lista.

- She wiped him out of her memory.
- She removed him from her memory.

Ella lo borró de su memoria.

But Maduro’s assembly, filled with loyalists, convened anyway and it swiftly removed attorney

Pero la asamblea de Maduro, llena de lealistas, se reunió de todas maneras y rápidamente removió a la Fiscal

- Tom took his jacket off.
- Tom took off his jacket.
- Tom removed his jacket.

Tomás se quitó la chaqueta.

- Tom removed his socks.
- Tom took off his socks.
- Tom took his socks off.

Tom se quitó los calcetines.

And I removed myself from friends, I didn't answer my phone for a week,

me alejé de mis amigos, no contesté el teléfono por una semana,

- Tom took off his coat.
- Tom removed his coat.
- Tom took off his overcoat.

Tom se quitó el abrigo.

Bishops, knights, rooks and queens can also be captured and removed from the board.

Los alfiles, los caballos, las torres y las damas también se pueden capturar y eliminar del tablero.

Even if the bolts could have been removed in time, the hatch opened inwards, and so

Incluso si los pernos se hubieran podido quitar a tiempo, la escotilla se abrió hacia adentro, por

There is a blank space in front of the first letter of this sentence that should be removed.

Hay un espacio en blanco delante de la primera letra de la frase que debería eliminarse.

The moment I removed these opt-ins and these ads above the fold, and I showcased the product

En el momento en que eliminé los formularios y los anuncios de la parte superior y mostré primero el producto

- Tom took his shirt off.
- Tom took off his shirt.
- Tom pulled off his shirt.
- Tom removed his shirt.

- Tom se quitó su camisa.
- Tom se quitó la camisa.

- He took off his glasses.
- He took his goggles off.
- He took off his goggles.
- He removed his glasses.

- Él se quitó las gafas.
- Él se sacó los anteojos.

And when they removed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and dwelt in it.

Al desplazarse la humanidad desde oriente, hallaron una vega en el país de Senaar y allí se establecieron.

The Cold War may have ended, but the fear of war has not yet been removed from the minds of men.

Puede que la Guerra Fría haya terminado, pero el miedo a la guerra todavía no se ha borrado de las mentes de los hombres.

Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.

La pobreza no es un accidente. Como la esclavitud y el apartheid, es un producto del hombre y puede ser erradicado por las acciones de los seres humanos.

"How did you like that, dear friend," said Tom with a smile, "this checkmate that I gave you with my queen?" - Mary was shocked at first. Would she have missed something? But she soon smiled too and replied, "Well, what would you think if I captured your queen with my knight?" And having moved the knight, she removed the queen from the board.

"¿Qué te pareció, querida amiga", dijo Tom con una sonrisa, "este jaque mate que te di con mi dama?" - María se sorprendió al principio. ¿Me había dejado de ver algo? Pero luego ella también sonrió y respondió: "Bueno, ¿qué pensarías si capturara a tu dama con mi caballo?" Y habiendo movido el caballo, quitó la dama del tablero.