Translation of "Devoted" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Devoted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She devoted herself to him.

Ella se dedicó a él.

- He devoted much time to study.
- He devoted a lot of time to study.

Él pasaba mucho tiempo estudiando.

She devoted her life to education.

Ella dedicó su vida a la educación.

He devoted his life to education.

Él dedicó su vida a la educación.

He devoted himself to reading books.

Se dedicó a leer libros.

She devoted herself to her children.

Ella se dedicaba a sus hijos.

She devoted her life to music.

Ella consagró su vida a la música.

Will never be to you devoted.

nunca te será devota.

He devoted himself to linguistic studies.

Se consagró a los estudios lingüísticos.

He devoted his life to his study.

Ha dedicado su vida a la investigación.

Her father devoted his life to science.

Su padre dedicó su vida a la ciencia.

He devoted his whole life to science.

Consagró toda su vida a la ciencia.

He devoted himself to the study of chemistry.

Se dedicó al estudio de la química.

He devoted himself to music in those days.

En aquel tiempo se dedicaba a la música.

She devoted her life to helping the handicapped.

Ella dedicó su vida a ayudar a los discapacitados.

He devoted a lot of time to study.

Él pasaba mucho tiempo estudiando.

He devoted himself to the study of medicine.

Él se dedicó al estudio de la medicina.

Tom devoted his whole life to studying sharks.

Tom dedicó su vida a estudiar a los tiburones.

Tom devoted his whole life to public service.

Tom dedicó su vida al servicio público.

Tom devoted his life to helping the poor.

Tom dedicó su vida a ayudar a los pobres.

She devoted her life to the study of science.

Ella dedicó su vida a la investigación científica.

After retirement, Teresa devoted herself to caring for orphans.

Después de su retiro, Teresa se dedicó a cuidar a los huérfanos.

He devoted his whole life to compilation of the dictionary.

Él ocupó su vida en la compilación del diccionario.

He devoted all his time to the study of history.

Él dedicó todo su tiempo al estudio de la historia.

The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly.

La enfermera ciega se dedicó a cuidar a los ancianos.

I count myself lucky to have such a devoted wife.

Me considero un hombre afortunado por tener una mujer así de devota.

She devoted her entire life to the study of physics.

Ella dedicó su vida entera al estudio de la física.

Selfless volunteer, or a devoted stay-at-home and work mom.

un voluntario altruista, o una madre devota que trabaja en casa.

Needs to be devoted to the side effects of that drug.

deben dedicarse a los efectos secundarios del medicamento.

[Pepe] My wife and I devoted ourselves to changing the world,

[Mujica] Yo y mi patrona nos dedicamos a cambiar el mundo,

- He devoted himself to reading books.
- He threw himself into reading.

Se dedicó a leer libros.

All of us devoted ourselves to the development of our country.

Todos nosotros nos dedicamos al desarrollo de nuestro país.

Tom devoted his life to finding a solution to the problem.

Tom dedicó su vida a encontrar una solución al problema.

For around 10 years we have devoted ourselves to neuroscience and hypnosis.

Hace unos 10 años nos dedicamos a las neurociencias y a la hipnosis.

He devoted the last years of his life to writing his autobiography.

Dedicó los últimos años de su vida a escribir su autobiografía.

The Time Traveller devoted his attention to his dinner, and displayed the appetite of a tramp.

El Viajero del Tiempo dedicaba toda su atención a su cena, y mostraba el apetito de un mendigo.

He has been devoted to the study of atomic energy ever since he graduated from the university.

Él se ha dedicado al estudio de la energía atómica desde que se graduó de la universidad.

- She gave her entire life to the study of physics.
- She devoted her entire life to the study of physics.

Ella dedicó su vida entera al estudio de la física.

- Her father devoted his life to science.
- Her father dedicated his life to science.
- His father dedicated his life to science.

Su padre dedicó su vida a la ciencia.

He devoted a whole poem to the blueness of his victim's eyes, which the two policemen read out loud to one another through hysterical, tearful laughter.

Él dedicó un poema entero al azul de los ojos de su víctima, el cual los dos policías leyeron en voz alta el uno al otro en medio de histéricas y tristes lágrimas.

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Nadie puede servir a dos señores. Ya sea porque odiarás a uno y amarás al otro, o te consagrarás a uno y despreciarás al otro. No se puede servir a ambos, a Dios y al dinero.

During the Heian period's initial stages, the imperial court completely devoted itself to imitating Chinese culture, however during the midst of the period, a culture based off of Japanese sense of beauty began to bloom.

Durante el Heian temprano, en la corte imperial se imitaba con devoción a la cultura china, pero durante el Heian medio floreció una nueva cultura con sus cimientos en la estética japonesa.