Translation of "'were'" in Spanish

0.014 sec.

Examples of using "'were'" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Were temporarily deployed, were unsuccessful.

fueron desplegados temporalmente, no tuvieron éxito.

- You were right.
- You were correct.

Tú tenías razón.

- You were asleep.
- You were sleeping.

- Tú dormías.
- Ustedes dormían.

- Were you asleep?
- Were you sleeping?

¿Estabas durmiendo?

- You were praying.
- They were praying.


- They were studying.
- You were studying.


- Three were wounded.
- Three were injured.

- Hubo tres heridos.
- Tres de ellos resultaron heridos.

- We were thrilled.
- We were excited.

Estábamos entusiasmados.

- They were frightened.
- They were scared.

Estaban asustados.

- You were mistaken.
- You were wrong.

Estabais equivocados.

Some were farmers, some were hunters.

- Algunos eran granjeros, algunos eran cazadores.
- Algunos eran granjeros, otros eran cazadores.

- They were killed.
- They were murdered.

Fueron asesinados.

Were restored.

se restauraron.

Were heartbreaking.

eran desgarradores.

Were unsuccessful.

fueron infructuosos.

Were higher.

eran más altos.

There were other problems we were noticing.

También notamos otros problemas:

Paints were peeling, there were cracks everywhere.

pintura desprendiéndose y grietas por todas partes.

- Some were late.
- Some people were late.

- Algunos se retrasaron.
- Algunos llegaron tarde.

You were not interrogated today, were you?

- Hoy no has sido interrogado, ¿o no?
- No has sido interrogado hoy, ¿entendido?
- No fuiste interrogado hoy, ¿o si?

We were poor, but we were happy.

Éramos pobres, pero felices.

- Were you shot?
- Were you shot at?

¿Te dispararon?

- Were you alone?
- Were you here alone?

¿Estabas sola?

1500 people were killed. Thousands were left homeless.

1500 personas murieron. Miles se quedaron sin hogar.

Some people were kind and others were unkind.

Había gente amable, como había gente grosera.

- Originally they were farmers.
- They were originally farmers.

Ellos originalmente eran granjeros.

- Those were the days!
- Those were the days.

¡Esos eran buenos tiempos!

They were three and they were all armed.

Eran tres y todos estaban armados.

- Her teeth were white.
- His teeth were white.

Sus dientes eran blancos.

- How many were they?
- How many were there?

- ¿Cuántos eran ellos?
- ¿Cuántas eran ellas?
- ¿Cuántos eran?
- ¿Cuántas eran?

- We were so close.
- We were so close!

Estábamos muy apegados.

- Three people were wounded.
- Three people were injured.

Tres personas resultaron heridas.

- You were never alone.
- They were never alone.

- Ustedes nunca estuvieron solos.
- Nunca estuvieron solos.
- Nunca estuviste solo.

- Why were you yelling?
- Why were you shouting?

¿Por qué estabas gritando?

- His parents were farmers.
- Her parents were farmers.

Sus padres eran granjeros.

- His clothes were used.
- Her clothes were used.

Su ropa era usada.

- The doors were closed.
- The gates were closed.

Las puertas estaban cerradas.

- What were we talking about?
- Where were we?

¿De qué estábamos hablando?

Where were you guys? We were very worried.

¿Dónde estabais? Estábamos muy preocupados.

- What color were they?
- What colour were they?

¿De qué color eran?

Were shaken up,

fueron sacudidos,

Or were radicals.

o que eran extremistas.

Were essentially unattainable.

son esencialmente inalcanzables.

We were wrong,

Estábamos equivocados,

We were happy!

¡Éramos felices!

We were meeting

nos reuníamos

Casualties were high.

Las bajas fueron elevadas.

Competitions were held

se celebraron concursos

We were surprised.

Fue una sorpresa.

Supplies were cheap.

Las provisiones eran baratas.

Subsequently, they were

Posteriormente, fueron

Were ultimately checked.

finalmente se revisaron.

Were being celebrated.

elecciones relativamente libres.

Where were you?

- ¿Dónde estabas?
- ¿Dónde estabais?

All were silent.

Todos estaban en silencio.

None were satisfied.

- Nadie estaba satisfecho.
- Nadie estaba contento.

They were busy.

Ellos estaban ocupados.

They were swimming.

Ellos nadaban.

We were right.

Teníamos razón.

They were satisfied.

Ellos estaban satisfechos.

We were reading.


You were reading.


They were hungry.

Ellos tenían hambre.

You were saying...?


We were friends.

Éramos amigos.

Tensions were increasing.

Las tensiones aumentaban.

Many were slain.

Muchos se habían muerto.

We were outnumbered.

Nos superaban en número.

They were panting.

Estaban jadeando.

You were perfect.

Estuviste perfecta.

Shots were fired.

Hubo disparos.

Were you crying?

- ¿Estabas llorando?
- ¿Estabais llorando?

Were you there?

¿Estabas allí?

Were you happy?

¿Estabas feliz?

You were happy.

- Estabas feliz.
- Estaban felices.

We were busy.

Estábamos ocupados.

They were angry.

Ellos estaban enfadados.

You were ready.

- Estabas listo.
- Estabas lista.
- Estaban listos.
- Estaban listas.

They were sick.

- Estaban enfermos.
- Ellos estaban enfermos.

Both were naked.

Los dos estaban desnudos.

We were happy.

Éramos felices.

We were joking.

Estábamos bromeando.

They were naive.

Eran ingenuos.

You were busy.

Estabas ocupado.