Translation of "‫مات" in English

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Examples of using "‫مات" in a sentence and their english translations:

- مات الشاه!
- مات الملك!

- Checkmate!
- Checkmate.

مات بغرابة

died strangely

مات فجأة.

He died suddenly.

توم مات.

- Tom has passed away.
- Tom is dead.
- Tom died.
- Tom's dead.
- Tom's died.
- Tom has died.

مات البارحة.

He died yesterday.

مات الأخان

- Both the brothers are dead.
- Both of the brothers are dead.
- The two brothers have died.
- The two brothers died.

مات سامي.

Sami died.

أحقا مات أبي؟

Did my father really die?

مات السنة الماضية.

He died one year ago.

هل مات توم؟

Did Tom die?

مات توم أمس.

Tom died yesterday.

مات سامي فجأة.

Fadil suddenly died.

مات سامي بحادثة.

Sami died accidentally.

مات سامي بسرعة.

Sami died quickly.

مات سامي لوحده.

Sami died alone.

مات كلب سامي.

Sami's dog died.

مات سامي هناك.

Sami died there.

مات سامي هنا.

Sami died here.

مات في طريقه للتصوير

died on the way to filming

مات 100 ألف حيوان

100 thousands of animals died

مات عمي منذ سنة.

My uncle died a year ago.

ربما يكون قد مات.

Maybe he's dead.

هل تعتقد أنه مات؟

Do you think he is dead?

- من مات؟
- من توفي؟

Who died?

- توم مات.
- توفي توم.

Tom died.

مات أبي بسبب السرطان.

My father died of cancer.

مات توم في ٢٠١٣.

Tom died in 2013.

لقد مات بطريقة مأساوية.

The way his life was cut short is tragic.

لقد مات حلّ الدّولتان.

The two-state solution is dead.

مات سامي في الحين.

Sami died instantly.

مات إيرل سوفولك، كما مات دوق يورك، وداسوه حتى الموت في الوحل.

Earl of Suffolk died, as did the Duke of York died, trampled to death in the mud.

حسناً، لقد مات ذلك المريض.

Well, that patient died.

إذا مات جده أو ورثه

if a grandfather died or inherited

في حين مات البعض العثمانيين

While some died as Ottoman

عرفوا كيف مات الخنزير القديم.

they knew how the old boar died.

مات أبي بسبب سرطان الرئة.

My father died of lung cancer.

يُقال أنه قد مات هنا.

He is said to have died here.

مات مليون شخص في الحرب.

- One million people lost their lives in the war.
- One million people died in the war.

"دوستويفسكي مات." "أحتج! دوستويفسكي خالد!"

"Dostoyevsky is dead." "I object! Dostoyevsky's immortal!"

لا أصدق أن توم مات.

- I can't believe Tom is dead.
- I can't believe Tom's dead.

مات أولائك الأطفال بدون عدالة.

The kids died without any justice.

الأرملة هي امرأة مات زوجها.

A widow is a woman whose husband has died.

مات سامي في نهاية المطاف.

Sami ended up dead.

مات، وكان من الواضح أنه على علم بذلك، فقد مات في اليوم التالي.

He died, and it was obvious he knew it, he died the next day.

قال البعضُ أنه مات الطاعون، بينما ادعى الآخرون بأنه مات من ضربة برق.

he died – some say of the plague, others  claim that he was struck by lightning.  

تلميذي بعمر 16 سنة مات منتحراً.

My 16 year-old student died by suicide.

تبين أن أبي هو الذي مات.

It turned out to be my father who died.

‫مات إما بسبب الشيخوخة أو الإصابة.‬

Died, either of old age or got injured.

مات Hrolf وجميع أبطاله ماتوا أيضًا.

Hrolf is dead, and all his champions are dead as well.

مات من دون أن يترك وصية.

He died without having made a will.

مات لنكولن في عام ١٨٦٥ للميلاد.

Lincoln died in 1865.

مات الرجل العجوز من شدة الجوع.

The old man died from hunger.

صدمته سيارة و مات على الفور.

- He was run over and killed on the spot.
- He was hit by a car and died right away.

يمكن أن يكون فاضل قد مات.

Fadil might be dead.

مات توم في 2013 بسرطان الرئة

Tom died in 2013 of lung cancer.

لم يلبث سامي و أن مات.

Sami soon died.

ومن ثم مات؛ تفاعلاته النووية أفنت نفسها،

And it died; its nuclear reactions died away,

لقد مات نصف مرجان الحاجز المرجاني العظيم.

Half of the coral of the Great Barrier Reef has died.

مات الكثير بسبب العدوى والمرض والإرهاق والغرق

Many die to infection, disease, exhaustion and drowning.

توم كان قلبه مكسور عندما مات كلبه

Tom was heartbroken when his dog died.

وهذا يخلق ما يسميه مات "فجوة الاختراق".

And that creates what Matt calls a "hack gap."

مات سامي في السّجن بسبب مشكل صحّي.

Sami died in prison from a health-related issue.

لا أحد يعرف كيف مات أدولف هيتلر.

Nobody knows how Adolf Hitler died.

بعد موقف يائس أخير ، مات هيرولف ، محاطًا بأبطاله.

After a desperate last stand, Hrolf lay dead, surrounded by his champions.

مات الفارس الإنجليزي قبل أن يسقط على الأرض.

The English knight was dead before he hit the ground.

مثال: "الإرادة باطلة إذا مات المندوب قبل الموصي"

Example: "the will is void if the legatee dies before the testator"

مات فاضل في وقت لاحق من ذلك اليوم.

Fadil died later that day.

مات سامي بسبب الإفراط في تناول أقراص نوم.

Sami died from an overdose of sleeping pills that he had taken.

حين أصبحت في عمر الخمسين مات هيكتور جرّاء السرطان.

When I turned 50, Hector died of cancer.

غرق العديد من رجاله بينما مات آخرون بسبب الإرهاق

Many of his men drowned while others died from exhaustion.

‫مات آلاف الناس ‬ ‫أثناء عصر حمى التنقيب عن الذهب.‬

[Bear] Thousands of people died during that gold rush era.

كان الخنزير يتذمر إذا عرفوا كيف مات الخنزير العجوز.

The piggie would grunt if they knew how the old boar died.

وصلت شائعة إلى الحرس الإمبراطوري بأن بيسيير قد مات.

A rumour reached the Imperial Guard that Bessières was dead.

أفسد مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالية محاولة لاغتيال العمدة مات براون.

The FBI thwarted an assassination attempt against Mayor Matt Brown.

أرجوكم أن ترحبّوا وتقابلوا تشارلوت فيجي وأبويها، "مات" و"بيج".

Please welcome and meet Charlotte Figi and her parents, Matt and Paige.

مات على الأقل اثنا وعشرون شخصاً في الحجز المتعلق بالهجرة.

at least two dozen people have died in immigration custody.

وهكذا اكتملت القصيدة أخيرًا ، لكن ثورمود مات واقفًا على قدميه.

So the poem is finally completed, but Thormod has died standing on his feet.

في غضون دقائق، مات الآلاف، وقضي على بعضهم وهم نائمون

In a matter of minutes thousands lay dead, some struck down in their sleep.

- مات مليون شخص في الحرب.
- مليون شخص استُشهدوا في الحرب.

One million people lost their lives in the war.