Translation of "Interesa" in English

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Interesa" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Te interesa?

Are you interested?

Te interesa.

that you're looking up.

- No me interesa.
- Eso no me interesa.

- Save your breath.
- I am not interested.
- That doesn't interest me.

- ¿Le interesa el arte?
- ¿Te interesa el arte?

Are you interested in art?

¿Qué te interesa?

What are you interested in?

No me interesa.

- I am not interested.
- I'm not interested.

¿Qué le interesa?

What are you interested in?

Eso me interesa.

That interests me.

Me interesa la música.

- I am interested in music.
- I'm interested in music.

Me interesa la historia.

I'm interested in history.

Eso no te interesa.

- That has nothing to do with you.
- That's none of your business.
- It doesn't concern you.

¿Independencia? No me interesa.

Independence? I'm not interested.

Me interesa el alpinismo.

I am interested in mountain climbing.

Le interesa la música.

She is interested in music.

¿Le interesa el arte?

Are you interested in art?

¿Te interesa la política?

Are you interested in politics?

Me interesa el francés.

I'm interested in French.

¿Le interesa la política?

Are you interested in politics?

Él no me interesa.

I don't care for him.

Eso no me interesa.

That doesn't interest me.

El libro me interesa.

The book interests me.

Me interesa la ciencia.

I'm interested in science.

¿Te interesa aprender bereber?

Are you interested in learning Berber?

¿Te interesa la música japonesa?

Are you interested in Japanese music?

No me interesa tu opinión.

I'm not interested in your opinion.

Me interesa la literatura estadounidense.

I am interested in American literature.

Pero si te interesa jugar,

But if you're interested in playing,

Me interesa mucho el fútbol.

- I am really into soccer.
- I'm really into football.

Les interesa mucho la astronomía.

They are very interested in astronomy.

No me interesa la política.

I'm not interested in politics.

No me interesa ser popular.

I don't care about being popular.

No me interesa el café.

Coffee does not arouse my interest.

¿Te interesa la música clásica?

Do you care for classical music?

No me interesa la botánica.

I'm not interested in botany.

¿Le interesa el idioma bereber?

Is he interested in the Berber language?

A Tom le interesa todo.

Tom is interested in everything.

- Odio tener que aparentar que me interesa.
- Detesto tener que aparentar que me interesa.

I hate pretending I'm interested.

Pero lo que más me interesa

But what I'm almost interested in

El béisbol no le interesa demasiado.

Baseball doesn't interest him too much.

Me interesa la historia de Asia.

I am interested in Asian history.

No me interesa mucho ver televisión.

I don't care for television very much.

No me interesa el arte moderno.

I'm not interested in modern art.

Usted me interesa mucho, señor Watson.

You interest me very much, Mr. Watson.

¡No me interesa si es rico!

I don't care whether he is rich or not!

¡No me interesa si son famosos!

I don't care if they're famous.

Me interesa más el inglés hablado.

I'm more interested in spoken English.

Me interesa mucho la literatura clásica.

I'm very interested in classical literature.

No me interesa mientras seas feliz.

I don't care as long as you're happy.

A ella solo le interesa jugar.

She is only interested in playing.

No me interesa la ciencia ficción.

I'm not interested in science fiction.

No me interesa lo que hagas.

I don't care what you do.

A ti no te interesa Mary.

You are not interested in Mary.

- Es en tu interés.
- Te interesa.

It's to your advantage.

No me interesa la gente normal.

I have no interest in ordinary people.

A Mary le interesa la política.

Mary is interested in politics.

- No me interesa.
- No estoy interesado.

- I am not interested.
- I'm not interested.

interesa lo podéis encontrar en los

interested in what you can find in the

Me interesa estudiar la cultura alemana.

I am interested in studying German culture.

Nos interesa él por su amabilidad.

We look up to him because of his politeness.

Me interesa mucho la cultura china.

I'm really interested in Chinese culture.

Tom se interesa por muchas cosas.

- Tom is interested in many things.
- Tom is interested by many things.

No me interesa su vida privada.

His private life doesn't interest me.

A Jack le interesa la pintura.

Jack is interested in painting.