Translation of "красавица" in English

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Examples of using "красавица" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ты красавица.
- Вы красавица.

You're a beauty.

Мадонна - красавица.

Madonna is a beauty.

Дзюнко - красавица.

Junko is a beautiful girl.

Она красавица.

She's a beauty.

Привет, красавица!

- Hello, beautiful!
- Hello, gorgeous.

Какая красавица!

What a beauty!

- Ты красивая женщина.
- Ты красавица.
- Вы красавица.

You're a beautiful woman.

- Его сестра - настоящая красавица.
- Её сестра - настоящая красавица.

His sister is a real beauty.

Она настоящая красавица.

She is a real beauty.

Какая она красавица!

What a beauty she is!

Я не красавица.

I'm not good-looking.

Мэри настоящая красавица.

Mary is a real beauty.

Она русская красавица.

She's a Russian beauty.

Она не красавица.

She is no beauty.

- Говорят, моя сестра - красавица.
- Они говорят, что моя сестра - красавица.

They say my sister is a beauty.

Она далеко не красавица.

She is far from beautiful.

Она ещё и красавица.

She's also a beauty.

Его сестра - настоящая красавица.

His sister is a real beauty.

Боже мой, ты красавица.

God, you're beautiful.

У Тома жена - красавица.

Tom has a pretty wife.

- Она красавица.
- Она очень красивая.

She is a beauty.

Это правда, она редкая красавица.

It is true she is a rare beauty.

Вы считаете, что я красавица?

Do you think I'm beautiful?

Она, конечно, симпатичная, но не красавица.

She is no doubt pretty, but she isn't beautiful.

Чанг — такая же красавица, как и Доренда.

Trang is as pretty as Dorenda.

Если смотреть на неё издалека, она красавица.

- Seen from a distance, she's a beauty.
- If you see her from a distance, she is beautiful.

- Она далеко не красива.
- Она далеко не красавица.

She is far from beautiful.

Жил однажды король, у которого была красавица дочь.

Once upon a time there was a king who had a beautiful daughter.

- Ты красивая женщина.
- Вы красивая женщина.
- Ты красавица.

- You're a beautiful woman.
- You are a beautiful woman.

Мэри не красавица, но и не уродина тоже.

Mary's not pretty, but she isn't ugly, either.

- Красавица тебе за три дня наскучит, а к дурнушке ты за три дня привыкнешь.
- Красавица за три дня наскучит, а к дурнушке за три дня привыкнешь.

- You get tired of a beautiful woman after three days. You get used to an ugly woman after three days.
- You'll get tired of a beautiful woman after three days, but you'll get used to an ugly one in the same amount of time.
- In three days you get tired of a beautiful woman while in the same amount of time you get used to an ugly one.
- You get tired of a beautiful woman in three days, and you get used to an ugly woman in three days.
- We get tired of beautiful women in three days, but in three days, we get used to ugly women.

Она вовсе не красавица, но в ней есть какая-то неописуемая прелесть.

She is not at all a beauty, but she has an indescribable charm.

Красавица за три дня наскучит, а к дурнушке за три дня привыкнешь.

- You get tired of a beautiful woman after three days. You get used to an ugly woman after three days.
- You'll get tired of a beautiful woman after three days, but you'll get used to an ugly one in the same amount of time.
- In three days you get tired of a beautiful woman while in the same amount of time you get used to an ugly one.
- You get tired of a beautiful woman in three days, and you get used to an ugly woman in three days.
- We get tired of beautiful women in three days, but in three days, we get used to ugly women.