Translation of "시기였습니다" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "시기였습니다" in a sentence and their english translations:

KKK단에게 힘든 시기였습니다.

CR: It's been a tough day for the Klan.

삶이 고단한 시기였습니다. 하루하루 고군분투했습니다.

life was very difficult, a struggle day by day.

많은 흑인들이 자유를 찾던 그 시기였습니다.

starting in the North in the 1820s.

당시는 미국이 중동에서 여러 동맹들을 맺던 시기였습니다

This was at a time when the US was making other alliances in the Middle East.