Translation of "彼らも" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "彼らも" in a sentence and their english translations:

彼らも 本気を出すべきです

They must step up their game.


Are they coming as well?


Do you mind their coming too?


They may yet be happy.


and said they wanted to join in too.


They'll give in to us some day.


They as well as you are ordinary people.

彼らも 誰にも信じてもらえない人たちでした

Just like me, nobody could understand them either,

- 彼らもやってくるのですか。
- 彼女たちも来るの?

Are they coming as well?

だから 彼らも私たちが自然に するのと同じように

So they're just replicated in the kind of things that we do naturally

別に彼らも 進歩の成果を 嫌っているわけではありません

Now, it's not that they hate the fruits of progress, mind you.

彼らも他の人たちと共に 「進歩なんて」と 冷ややかな目で見るだけです

With others, the idea of progress just leaves them cold.