Translation of "ウディノ" in English

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Examples of using "ウディノ" in a sentence and their english translations:


12. Marshal Oudinot

ネイ マクドナルド ウディノ ベルティエまでもがだ

including Ney, Macdonald, Oudinot and Berthier.

ウディノは 1814年の最後のキャンペーンで

Oudinot continued to serve the Emperor  courageously and loyally as a corps  


that Napoleon attributed  victory to Masséna… and Oudinot.


In Oudinot’s defence, he’d probably been given an  


Oudinot was shot from his saddle.

ウディノは1813 年 にドイツの大陸軍に戻った。

Oudinot was back with the  Grande Armée in Germany in 1813.


formed from the tallest,  strongest soldiers in the army.

ました。 その年の12月、アウステルリッツの戦いで、ウディノは

In December that year, at the Battle of  Austerlitz, Oudinot insisted on leading  


In September Bernadotte defeated former  comrades Marshals Oudinot and Ney at Dennewitz.


When Wittgenstein’s Russians attacked  at Polotsk, Oudinot was wounded,  

ウディノ第Ⅱ軍団とダヴー第Ⅲ軍団は ヴァグラムに向かった

Oudinot’s Second Corps and Davout’s Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.


Nicolas Oudinot ran away to join the army aged 17,  


“Macdonald for France”, it was said, “Oudinot  for the army; Marmont for friendship.”


Oudinot was a particular friend: in East  Prussia, their party trick was to snuff  

皮肉なことに、ウディノは、 アンヴァリッドの知事を務めている間、80歳 で

Ironically, Oudinot was also one  of the longest-lived Marshals,  


Since Oudinot’s Second Corps  was in better shape than most,  


In 1812 Marshal Oudinot led Second Corps into  Russia, but was wounded again at Polotsk,  


During the 1809 war with Austria, Oudinot was  wounded once more at the Battle of Aspern.  


Oudinot’s men were shocked when they saw  their old comrades from the main column:  

ナポレオンはウディノを最も効果的な場所に戻し、 彼の緊密な監督の下で

Napoleon put Oudinot back where he was  most effective, leading troops in combat  


Napoleon chose Oudinot to succeed  him as commander of Second Corps.

。 1807年のダンツィヒ包囲戦で、ウディノ将軍の師団は 、都市に補給しようとして座礁

At the siege of Danzig in 1807, General Oudinot’s  division had the unusual distinction of capturing  


But Lannes, with support from future Marshals  Oudinot and Grouchy, expertly used his troops  

ていました。 1か月後、フリードランドで、ウディノと彼の擲弾兵はランヌ元帥の指揮下にあり

A month later at Friedland, Oudinot and his  grenadiers were under Marshal Lannes’ command, and  


but then he and his party became surrounded by  Cossacks. Oudinot asked for his pistols and,  


By one estimate, Oudinot was wounded 36 times in  his military career, more than any other Marshal.


His role was to support Marshal Oudinot in  guarding the northern flank of the French salient.  

。 ナポレオンが1815年に亡命から戻ったとき、ウディノは君主制への新しい誓いを破ることを拒否しましたが、

When Napoleon returned from exile in 1815, Oudinot  refused to break his new oath to the monarchy, but  

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