Translation of "に広がり" in English

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Examples of using "に広がり" in a sentence and their english translations:

がんが肺、肝臓、リンパ節、脳、骨 に広がり

She succumbs to the disease because it spreads


The forest fire began to spread in all directions.

90年代半ばから急速に 広がりました

increased dramatically from the mid-nineties.

それが インターネットで急に広がり 皆を変えたのです

and as it went viral, it transformed.


it ripples across your whole world.

息子の精神は ビレッジの あらゆる所に 広がりました

His spirit spread to every corner of the village.

このビデオは実際 必要としている人達に広がりました

This video had actually gone viral into the very people that they need.

その役割と幅は常に広がり 発展しているということです

Those roles and ranges are constantly expanding and evolving.


I leapt from the ground and flew into the sky - soon, the clouds were beneath me, a white cotton carpet glittering under the setting sun.

Translate "地面から跳ね上り、空に飛び上がった――しばらくすると、雲が眼下に、白い綿の絨毯のように広がり、夕日にてらされてキラキラと光った。" to other language: