Translation of "でさえも" in English

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Examples of using "でさえも" in a sentence and their english translations:


- Even a child can understand that.
- Even a child can understand it.


- His very servants despised him.
- Even his servants despised him.


Even a child can do such a thing.

それどころか 世界最速の スーパーコンピュータでさえも

In fact, even the world's fastest supercomputer


Even worms are bought for medical research.

- 彼女は自分の母国語でさえも間違えずに話すことはできません。
- 彼女は自分の母国語でさえも間違えてしまいます。

She can't even speak her native language without making mistakes.


Even his teacher didn't understand him.

は、通常は耐火性 であった 材料 でさえも 炎上しました。

materials that were normally fire-resistant burst into flame.


Even Japanese people make mistakes using the prefixes 'o' and 'go'.


Even the cleverest students can make silly mistakes.


The most careful man sometimes makes mistakes.


We may not get there in one year or even in one term.


Even in the case of a major disease, hope is a good weapon.

- 子供でさえもそんなことはできる。
- そんなことは子供だってできるよ。

Even a child can do such a thing.


That girl is so beautiful that she attracts even the most self-possessed men.

- 子供でさえ善と悪の区別がつく。
- 子供でさえも、正しいことと悪いことの区別がつく。

Even a child knows right from wrong.

- 子供でもそんな事はわかるぞ。
- 子供でさえもそれはわかる。
- それは子どもでも分かる。

Even a child can understand it.

- 子供でさえも、正しいことと悪いことの区別がつく。
- 子どもであっても善悪の区別はできる。

Even a child knows right from wrong.


But it was not successful for long because everyone, even religious people, had a strong attraction to the game.


Even your faults do not lessen my respect for you, and in friendship this is what counts.


A man of weak will is the target of criticism; even his friends would badger him into correcting his defects.


The emotion they gave me was exquisite, but I could not preserve it, nor could I indefinitely repeat it; the most beautiful things in the world finished by boring me.

More Words:
Translate "あなたの欠点でさえも私のあなたに対する尊敬の気持ちを減じはしないし、友情においてはこれが大切なことです。" to other language: