Translation of "この瞬間" in English

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Examples of using "この瞬間" in a sentence and their english translations:


It is this moment, isn't it?

そして 今この瞬間も

And right now,

今 この瞬間に集中すること

coming into the present moment.


they cope with this moment totally fine.


and it stops them from speaking this moment;


This moment will be recorded in history.

でも今この瞬間を 生きることが大切です

but it's better to stay in the moment.

今 現在のこの瞬間に 闘わねばなりません

then we must struggle through this current moment.

今 この瞬間に 沢山のものを抱えています

You are all holding so many things right now!

人によってこの瞬間の 取り組み方は異なります

Different people deal with this moment differently.

出来るだけこの瞬間を 終わらせたいと願いながらも

And as much as I wanted this moment to be over,

頭の中の電球が閃いた この瞬間 私はこう思いました

It was at this moment that a light bulb went off in my head, and I thought,


Years of hard work and training had led to this moment.

今この瞬間も 私のように感じている人が何百万人もいます

There are millions of people out there, like me, right now, feeling that way.

この瞬間 私たちの目と目が 私たちの世界がぶつかり合っています

But it's this moment, when eyes, our worlds, are colliding right now.


"My metabolism is such that no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight." "Just now, this second, you've made enemies of people throughout the world."

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