Translation of "‎通常" in English

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Examples of using "‎通常" in a sentence and their english translations:

通常 バイリンガルの子供は

Bilingual children typically know very very well

通常 その月齢だと

This is typically right around the time


you can see that the mouse goes back to its normal brain function


And during some standard testing throughout the process,

‎ジンベエザメは ‎通常 単独で生きる

The whale shark's life is mainly a solitary one.


We will include the usual acknowledgments.


We'll give you as many bonus miles as the normal air miles!


The bench used for a bench press is usually level.

(クリス)ネットフリックスの文化は 通常と違って

CA: I mean, there must be something unusual about Netflix's culture

通常 天然ガスで発電した場合

If you normally generate electricity from natural gas,


That it makes it slower.

この方法は 通常 時間がかかり

They are generally slow.


He paid double the usual fare.


He usually goes to school by bus.


I go to my work at eight forty as a rule.


Peach trees typically blossom in spring.

通常は脊椎 時には肋骨にまで伸び

usually the vertebrae, sometimes the ribs --

‎通常 カワウソの子供は ‎親離れして生きる

Normally, otter pups move on when their mother gives birth again.


Normal sleep is made up of two phases.


Women commonly live longer than men.

それは我が社の通常の フレームワークというより

And so think of that as a lucky break of good timing,


Davout was in his usual post on the right wing. 


This offer is not subject to the usual discounts.

通常のベースの 2倍サイズだからではありません

it is not because it is twice as big as a normal bass,


Usually your brains are trying to decipher the words


People usually become famous at the cost of their privacy.


We are currently working to restore normal service as soon as possible.


When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport.


- Our university usually starts on April 1st.
- The university that we attend usually begins its classes on the first of April.


People normally breathe 12 to 20 times a minute.

放課後に運動して 補うことは通常ありません

don't usually compensate during the after-school hours.


Usually there are several parties and groups of voters.


In Japan, the payroll tax is usually withheld from the monthly salary.

- 私は普通8時に起きます。
- 私は通常8時に起きる。

- I usually get up at eight.
- I usually get up at eight o'clock.

通常 レシピを考案するには 次のようなやり方をします

And this is how you would normally brainstorm for a recipe:

通常なら政治論議をすることを 避けるような人と

Make an effort to engage with someone


The extra effort raised his blood pressure above normal.


Japan's national budget for a new fiscal year is normally compiled in December.

は、通常は耐火性 であった 材料 でさえも 炎上しました。

materials that were normally fire-resistant burst into flame.


Illness usually has a variety of causes, not just one.


The usual business hours in this office are from nine to five.

通常のベースなんてものは 存在しないのをご存知でしょう

you know there is no such thing as a normal bass,


It is not evident whether the police followed the usual search procedures.


A supermoon can look up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a regular monthly full moon.


where his experience in the regular  Prussian army proved valuable.


Tomorrow there will be no normal lessons, in view of the athletic meet rehearsal.


We usually expect that trains will arrive on time.


The company pays me 100,000 yen in various allowances a month in addition to the regular salary.

6時間で認められた効果は 通常の治療で6年かかる効果です

We saw in six hours what you would often see in six years of therapy.


he wanted Mortier to resume his customary  role at the head of the Young Guard,  


What time of year do you usually like to spend time on the beach?


Three weeks later, Murat and Marshal Lannes,  who normally couldn’t stand each other,  


Now that Bush has been elected, it will be business as usual.

通常の物質に遭遇しても 特に何も 起こらないことが分かるからです

and not much can be happening when it runs into normal matter.


Governments usually resort to price control when inflation has reached a certain level.

- 女性は通常男性よりも長生きする。
- 女性はふつう男性より長生きする。

- Women generally live longer than men.
- Women usually live longer than men.
- Women commonly live longer than men.


- Visitors are usually asked to remove their shoes before they enter a Japanese house.
- At the entrance of a Japanese house, visitors are generally asked to take off their shoes.

- 女性は通常男性よりも長生きする。
- 女性は一般に男性より長生きする。

Women usually live longer than men.


In the principles of love, quick disappointments are usually described as remedies.


In the late eighteenth century, a passport for an American was usually signed by the President of the United States.


- Normally I eat popcorn and drink Coke when I watch a movie, but this time I'll eat candy.
- Usually, when I watch movies, I eat popcorn and drink cola. But, next time, I'm going to eat candy.


Returning to his usual role as chief of staff,  Berthier once more proved his exceptional talents,  

- 私たちは通常パン一切れとコーヒー1杯をいただきます。
- 私たちは普段はパン1枚とコーヒー1杯です。

We usually have a slice of bread and a cup of coffee.

- 海外へ旅行する際には、通常、パスポートが必要である。
- 海外旅行をするとき、普通はパスポートが必要になります。

When you travel abroad, you usually need a passport.


Instead of giving the money, that is the normal coin of the realm, which is the phrase that everyone used then, they would give them a token, and this token might be metal, might be wood, might be cardboard.

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