Translation of "Downed" in German

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Downed" in a sentence and their german translations:

- Greta chugged the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one swig.
- Greta downed the beer in one draught.
- Greta downed the beer in one.

Greta trank das Bier in einem Zug aus.

Greta downed the beer in one gulp.

Greta trank das Bier in einem Zug aus.

The woman downed the gin and lime that was served in one swallow.

Die Frau trank den servierten Lime-Gin in einem Zug aus.

- He downed the glass in one.
- He drained the glass in one draught.

Er leerte das Glas in einem Zug.

A renowned tactician, Christopher Columbus once downed an entire pirate fleet by stealing all of their fruits and vegetables, thus giving them scurvy.

Als altbekannter Taktiker bezwang Christoph Columbus einst eine ganze Piratenflotte, indem er all ihre Obst- und Gemüsevorräte stahl und ihnen damit Skorbut verpasste.