Translation of "Eekhoorntjes" in Italian

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Examples of using "Eekhoorntjes" in a sentence and their italian translations:

Eekhoorntjes eten hazelnoten.

Gli scoiattoli mangiano le nocciole.

- Eekhoorntjes eten hazelnoten.
- Eekhoorns eten hazelnoten.

Gli scoiattoli mangiano le nocciole.

De eekhoorntjes sprongen tak op tak af.

Gli scoiattoli saltavano di ramo in ramo.

Maria is wereldwijd de toonaangevende experte over eekhoorntjes.

Mary è il massimo esperto mondiale sugli scoiattoli.

Eekhoorntjes eten zaden en noten, maar ook insecten en paddenstoelen.

Gli scoiattoli mangiano semi e noci, così come insetti e funghi.