Translation of "¡costó" in English

0.017 sec.

Examples of using "¡costó" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¿Cuánto costó?
- ¿Cuánto costó eso?

How much did that cost?

"¿Cuánto costó?" "Me costó mil yenes."

"How much did it cost?" "It cost me a thousand yen."

¿Cuánto costó?

- How much did it cost?
- How much was it?

- No nos costó mucho.
- No nos costó mucho esfuerzo.
- No nos costó mucho dinero.
- No nos costó mucho trabajo.

We didn't have much trouble.

Costó 30 dólares.

It cost $30.

¿Cuánto costó esto?

How much did this cost?

- Eso le costó su trabajo.
- Eso le costó el puesto.

That cost him his job.

Me costó hacerme entender.

I found it difficult to make myself understood.

¿Pero no costó caro?

But wasn't it expensive?

Me costó un dineral.

It cost me a fortune.

Su error costó caro.

- His mistakes cost him dear.
- His errors cost him dearly.

¿Cuánto costó el viaje?

How much did the flight cost?

Me costó 10 dólares.

- I bought it for 10 dollars.
- I spent 10 dollars on it.
- It cost me 10 dollars.

- Me costó un ojo de la cara.
- Me costó un dineral.

It cost me a fortune.

Me costó encontrar un taxi.

I had trouble getting a taxi.

El viaje me costó mucho.

The trip cost me a lot.

El trabajo costó 100 dólares.

The work cost 100 dollars.

Me costó cerrar la puerta.

I found it hard to close the door.

Me costó salir del metro.

I struggled to get out of the subway.

Eso le costó su trabajo.

That cost him his job.

Me costó encontrar su casa.

I had a hard time finding his house.

Costó menos de quince dólares.

- It was less than fifteen dollars.
- It cost less than fifteen dollars.

Este sombrero costó diez dólares.

This hat cost ten dollars.

Costó alrededor de treinta pesos.

It cost about thirty pesos.

Este reloj costó 70.000 yenes.

This watch cost 70,000 yen.

Eso le costó la vida.

This lost him his life.

Este sombrero costó treinta dólares.

This hat cost thirty dollars.

Esta mesa costó trescientos dólares.

This desk cost three hundred dollars.

- Esto me costó un ojo de la cara.
- Esto me costó un riñón.

This cost me an arm and a leg.

Adaptarme a Australia me costó bastante,

Settling in Australia was quite hard,

El error le costó la cabeza.

The mistake cost him his head.

Costó mucho trabajo mover los muebles.

It took a lot of energy to move the furniture.

Nos costó mucho tiempo conseguir convencerle.

It took a long time to bring him around to our point of view.

No me costó encontrar su oficina.

I had no trouble finding his office.

Me costó más de quince chelines.

It cost me more than fifteen shillings.

No costó tanto como yo esperaba.

- It didn't cost as much as I expected.
- It didn't cost as much as I expected it to.

Este sombrero me costó diez dólares.

- This hat cost me $10.
- This hat cost ten dollars.

El peluquero le costó 3.000 yenes.

It cost him 3,000 yen to get a haircut.

Esta cartera me costó 6 libras.

This bag cost me 6 pounds.

A Tom le costó encontrar trabajo.

Tom had a hard time finding work.

Me costó muchísimo encontrar tu apartamento.

It was very hard for me to find your apartment.

Nos costó medio millón de dólares.

It cost us a half a million bucks.

Me costó 5.000 yenes reparar mi bicicleta.

It cost me 5,000 yen to repair my bicycle.

Ese sombrero costó alrededor de 50 dólares.

That hat cost around fifty dollars.

Enviar la carta me costó cien yenes.

It cost me 100 yen to send the letter.

El accidente casi le costó la vida.

The accident almost cost him his life.

Le costó 3000 yenes cortarse el pelo.

It cost him 3,000 yen to get a haircut.

Mi coche costó más que el tuyo.

My car cost more than yours did.

Me costó escribir esta carta en francés.

It wasn't easy for me to write this letter in French.

A Tom le costó encontrar un taxi.

Tom had a hard time finding a taxi.

Este reloj me costó diez mil yenes.

This watch cost me ten thousand yen.

A Tom le costó entender a Mary.

Tom found it difficult to understand Mary.

A Tom le costó mucho encontrar trabajo.

Tom had a lot of trouble finding a job.

- Me costó encontrar su casa.
- Tuve problemas para encontrar su casa.
- Me costó dar con su casa.

I had some trouble in finding his house.

- Costó un ojo de la cara.
- Costó un riñón.
- Costaba un ojo de la cara.
- Costaba un riñón.

It cost an arm and a leg.

- No nos dificultó mucho.
- No nos costó mucho.

We didn't have much trouble.

Costó mucho tiempo y dinero construir la máquina.

It took a lot of time and money to build the machine.

Me costó conseguir una entrada para el concierto.

I had difficulty getting a ticket for the concert.

Me costó varias horas doblar toda la ropa.

It took me several hours to fold all the clothes.

Me costó convencerla de los peligros de fumar.

I had difficulty convincing her of the dangers of smoking.