Translation of "That" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "That" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

The three point six per 100 registrations is that including the

os 3.6 por 100 registros, isso inclui

To a trust from Google and just do that in quantity

com o Ahrefs e Google, e apenas faço isso em quantidade.

Report so they report that at seven point one visitor x' the numbers way

Então se eles reportam que são 7.1 visitantes,

Learned in content marketing into one lesson could you do that and what would

sobre marketing de conteúdo em uma lição, você poderia fazer isso?

Like that is the biggest mistake I've made in my career which for the first

Esse foi o maior erro que eu cometi na minha carreira,

And because of that you're gonna pay more money okay you want to go waste

e por causa disso, você vai pagar mais dinheiro.

Know what I mean like that's how in depth that I went to increase my

Eu me aprofundei nessa escala

Reps people are asking a bunch about spyfu and SERP stat and stuff like that

As pessoas estão perguntando muito sobre SpyFy e Serpstat

With that even I'm slow to test a lot of this stuff out but test some of these

Até eu sou lento para testar muitas dessas coisas, mas eu testo.