Translation of "했지만" in English

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Examples of using "했지만" in a sentence and their english translations:

그게 좋기도 했지만,

which I liked.

처음에는 비록 망설이기는 했지만

Even those that were hesitant at the beginning

상처를 씻어 내려고 했지만

She tried to clean the wounds,

참여도가 일시적으로 상승하기는 했지만

and we'd see a temporary spike in engagement

‎그래서 짝짓기가 시작되자 ‎설레기도 했지만

So while I was very excited that this mating was beginning,

전 마르긴 했지만 셀룰라이트가 있어요

And even though I'm really thin, I have cellulite.

이제 이 막대기들이 벌어져서 분리되긴 했지만

Despite the fact that these sticks are now separated by this gaping chasm,

삐걱거리는 소리가 들리긴 했지만 그게 다예요

I heard the odd creak, but that's about it.

시간의 흐름에 따라 조금씩 변하긴 했지만

I feel like the times kind of pushed that along,

상처를 꿰매야 했지만 병원은 갈 수 없었습니다.

She needed stitches, but there was no way she would go to a hospital.

"변호사가 말하지 말라고 했어요." 라고 답을 하긴 했지만

or, "Our lawyers won't let us tell you that,"

제가 겪은 사고가 도와주긴 했지만, 인생에서 행동을 취하는 데

It sure helps, but it's not necessary to crash skydiving

그 학생이 단어를 말하자마자 저는 손을 들고 "잠깐만"이라고 했지만

As soon as she said it, I held up my hands, said, "Whoa, whoa."

민병대중 일부는 극우 성향을 가지고 있고, 키예프 정부를 공격하기도 했지만,

Some have far-right views and even have attacked the Kiev government, but Kiev

6월 13일, 십자군은 사다리 하나를 갖고 성에 오르려 했지만 쉽게 격퇴당했다.

And on 13th June, their first assault with a single scaling ladder was easily repulsed.

트럼프는 TPP를 지속하지 않는다고 했지만 TPP는 역사적으로 가장 큰 무역체결 중 하나였습니다.

Although Trump’s first action was to destroy it, it was meant to be the biggest commercial

3명의 미국 대통령들은 모두 북한이 보다 향상된 핵무기와 미사일을 만드는 것을 막겠다고 했지만

Three US presidents have said they’d prevent the North from building better nukes and missiles.