Translation of "잡았습니다" in English

0.002 sec.

Examples of using "잡았습니다" in a sentence and their english translations:


There we go.

좋아요, 양을 잡았습니다

Okay, we've caught the sheep.

천식에서 암까지 모든 질병에요 짠, 잡았습니다

involving everything from asthma to cancer. Boom, there we go.

산모는 손을 뻗어 간호사의 손을 잡았습니다.

and that mother reached out to grab that nurse's hand,

그의 포퓰리즘적인 메시지는 빈곤층에게 전달되어 결국 권력을 잡았습니다

His populist message resonated with the country’s poor who eventually helped bring him to power.