Translation of "오로지" in English

0.041 sec.

Examples of using "오로지" in a sentence and their english translations:

오로지 예를 들어보자면,

Purely for the purposes of illustration,

오로지 농구공 움직임만을 쫓느라

were so fixated on tracking the basketballs motion,

오로지 돈이 귀할 뿐이었지요.

Only money was scarce.

하지만 이건 오로지 재무적 관점인 것이죠?

But this is only a financial angle, right?

나는 진실, 완벽한 진실 그리고 오로지 진실만을 말할 것을 맹세합니다

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God.