Translation of "もう1つ" in English

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Examples of using "もう1つ" in a sentence and their english translations:


But there is something else


How about another piece of cake?


The other one is self-talk.


I'm gonna tie another rope for safety. Okay.

さて もう1つご紹介します

OK, one more tool of foresight.


I have another question for the audience.

ソーシャルメディアなしの生活から もう1つ言えるのは

Something else I can report back from life without social media


I ate a hamburger and ordered another.

もう1つのダブルバインド解決にも とても効果的です

This really works to solve another double bind.

なので あともう1つ 書くことにしました

So I decided to write one more thing;


He ate up the steak and ordered another.

もう1つ 人生を明るくすることがあります

there is one more thing that brightens up my day.


Russia had emerged as a second superpower.


Another problem is where to stop the car.

(クリス)ネットフリックスには もう1つ秘密兵器があるようですね

CA: You've got this other secret weapon at Netflix, it seems,

(クリス)リード あなたの もう1つの情熱についてですが

CA: Reed, I want to look at another passion of yours.


"Will you have another slice of pie?" "Yes, please."


The wealthy family built another large house.

いつか片方の電池は もう1つより先に無くなる

One of those batteries is going to stop before the other.


For one thing, I'm busy; for another, I'm not interested.

では 先読みのための もう1つのツールをご紹介します

Alright, so let's talk about another tool for foresight.


If you're still hungry, have another hamburger.


The eggs in this case are fresher than those in the other case.


If that man makes one more mistake, I'll fire him.

それから戻ってきて もう1つの小屋に入っていきました

Then she came back and walked away from us into a second hut.

ところが更にもう1つ もっと素晴らしい理由があります

But there is another one, that is maybe even more amazing.


For one thing I have no money; for another I haven't the time.

もう1つ この研究で分かったことを 皆さんにお話しします

There's one more finding in this study that I'd like to tell you about.

もう1つ自己主張できて 好ましく思われる方法があります

Here's another way to be assertive but still be likable.

さて今度は屋内で捉えた光景の例を もう1つお見せしましょう

Now I want to show you one more example of an indoor scene that we captured,

ここには私たちがこれから開ける もう1つの引き出しがあります

We have another drawer which we will open in a moment,


You should take another pair of glasses when you go abroad.

強力な仲間を得るもう1つの方法 特に権力のある人を味方につけるには

Another way we can earn strong allies, especially in high places,

- 一つには金がないし、また一つにはその暇もない。
- 一つにはお金が無いし、また一つには暇が無い。
- 1つはお金がないってこと。もう1つは時間がないってことだ。

For one thing, I don't have any money. For another, I don't have the time.

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