Translation of "と言いました" in English

0.405 sec.

Examples of using "と言いました" in a sentence and their english translations:


I said, "Brad!"


So, they said no,


What did he say?


He asked, "Do you love me?"


He said he was busy.


you guys need to be so grateful."


"You did something."

『ナネット』は コメディではないと言いました

that "Nanette" is not a comedy show.


My little brother asked for some money.


She said to her husband: "Stop!".


- When did he say he would come?
- What time did he say he'd come?


She said, "He is handsome."

カディジャ 新しいお友達なの?」 と言いました

Are they your new friends, Khadija?"


She said that she saw a suspicious man.


and it didn't look good.


said that they were like teenagers again.


"I think it's kinda weird," he said.

私のものを切り取ったのよ」 と言いました

You cut away something that belonged to me."


What did Father say about it?


When he was leaving, he told me that he would come again by the 25th.


That man said his name was Tom.


Mr Smith said, "There's no need for the Marines."

「スポーツには世界を変える力がある」 と言いました

"Sports has the power to change the world."


He told me that he had no time to read books.

「呼吸して それを持ち上げなさい」 と言いました

And he said, "Breathe, lift that."

あそこがかゆくなることがある?」 と言いました

Do you get itchy down there?"


Our music teacher advised me to visit Vienna.


My father told me not to read books in bed.


Tanaka has said that he got up this morning around eight o'clock.


Mother told me not to keep company with him.


I told Mary that I just wanted to be friends.


She said, "Thank you for the meal," to the cook.


Tom said he needed more money.

私は「いいえ、脳は以前ほど良くない」 と言いました

I said, "No. No, my brain is not as good as it used to be."

「違うわよ 雑誌よ お母さん 雑誌なの」と言いました

I was like, "No, they're not. That's a magazine, mom, a magazine."

英語は私の第三言語だったんです」 と言いました

English is my third language, and then there it was -


The Representative said he will put a brake on spending.


Father told me always to be brave and cheerful.


Shota said that he was shy about seeing her.

彼はどんなことをしても 努力したいと言いました

and he was willing to do whatever it takes


She insisted that I should see the doctor.

そして 「私の崩れた体を 直して下さい」と言いました

and I declared, "Help me, for my body is broken."

私は男に「出て行かなければ 警察を呼ぶ」と言いました

I told the guy to leave or I'd call the police.

「分かった いいよ父さん 自分の事を笑うよ」と言いました

I said, "All right. Fine dad, I'll laugh at myself."

オーストラリアの後には 行くべきところはどこもないと言いました

there was nowhere else to go after Australia.

母は「母親としてすべきことを したまでよ」と言いました

She said, "I did what I had to do as a mother."

「認められるにはスポーツか 音楽をやるしかないぞ」と言いました

"Look, so it's either got to be sports, or it's got to be music."

- 彼女は彼をハンサムだといった。
- 彼女は「彼はハンサムです」と言いました。

- She described him as handsome.
- She said that he was handsome.


My teacher always said, "You can find happiness if you rid yourself of selfishness".

「エランは亡くなったの エランはもういなくなったのよ」と言いました

"We lost Eran, we have no Eran anymore."

聴衆は 彼の演説は無骨で 言葉に詰まっていたと言いました

They said he was uncouth in his speaking, and that he stammered.


The teacher told him to study English hard.


She said that she had to be back before dawn.

研究対象の患者たちは 概して3タイプの経験をしたと言いました

Patients in our study described overall having three main types of experience.

ジョンは 暗い家に明かりをつけたような 感覚だったと言いました

John said it was like turning on the lights in a dark house.

今 私は「父」と言いましたが それは実際 男しかいなかったからで

and I say "fathers" because, let's face it, they were all dudes --


John said he'd like to marry me, and I'm as happy as can be.

「これは ここにあるべきですよ さあ 直しましょう」と言いました

"They should be up here. Let's fix them."


The boy I saw searching through the garbage can said that he had not eaten anything for four days.


Nietzsche said, "Battle ye not with monsters, lest monsters ye become."


Jim ate three apples and said he could eat as many again.

ある友人は「こんなに注意深い 赤ちゃんを見たことない」と言いました

One friend said, "She's the most aware baby I've ever seen."


Sally admitted that she borrowed the scarf but said she was not guilty.

悲しみを忘れるには これから5年ほど かかるかもしれないと言いました

and told us that we could expect to write off the next five years to grief.


The doctor advised me to take up some sport to stay in shape.

また非常に多くの患者たちが 感情が鈍り ものを感じられないと言いました

And so many of the patients described feeling numb and unable to feel.

彼は「君は盲目の条件には応じたけど これに同意したわけではない」と言いました

And he said, "Look, you signed up for the blindness, but not this."

- トムさんは「もっとお金が必要です」と言いました。
- トムさんは「もっと金が必要だ」と言った。

- Tom said he needed more money.
- Tom said that he needed more money.


“As for you, Soult, I say only - act as you always do.”

中立を宣言し、ナポレオンに「私はあなたに仕えないので、 父 よ、私は誰にも仕えません」と言いました。

declared neutrality, telling Napoleon, “Since I  shall not serve you, Sire, I shall serve no-one.”

- あなたは彼女に何かプレゼントしたとおっしゃいましたか。
- 彼女への誕生日プレゼントは何にしたと言いましたっけ?

What did you say you gave her for her birthday?


Mr. White said to them, "The room will be $30. $10 for each man." Each man gave him $10 and went up to the room.

- 私は彼女が一人で行った方が良いといいました。
- 私は彼女が一人で行くのがよいといいました。
- 私は彼女が1人で行くのがよいと言いました。

I suggested that she go alone.

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