Translation of "ちなみに" in English

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Examples of using "ちなみに" in a sentence and their english translations:


By the way, next week will be our university graduation ceremony.

ちなみに 皆さんに1つご説明すると

and one that I will clarify for you,


By the way, it also works with the wheel of a wheel mouse.


By the way, today is the 8th of June — my wife's birthday.


By the way, my English is absolutely hopeless.

ちなみに 建築物も同じように逆らっています

like building does, by the way.


By the way, I plan to do that for this story's sequel.


Incidentally a motorway ramp is being constructed in the neighbourhood, a few hundred metres away, of my clinic.

ちなみに この時点で 私は9年間 スピーチセラピーを受けていました

Mind you, I've been in speech therapy for nine years up to this point.


Incidentally, I have to tell you something.

- ちなみに、友達ってだけだよ。
- 念のために言っとくけど、友達なだけだよ。

For the record, we're just friends.


- Incidentally, this room doesn't have anything like an air-conditioner. All it has is a fan.
- Incidentally, this room doesn't have anything like an air conditioner. All it has is a hand-held paper fan.


Incidentally, that the gills of fish are bright red is because there are many 'capillary vessels' collected there, the same as for lungs.


By the way, this week - no matter what flags are set - it's a certainty that there will be no ecchi scenes. You'll just have to bear with it a while.


One of the reasons Twitter is popular in Japan is a characteristic of Japanese itself: Japanese uses ideograms which enable it to convey more information in just 140 characters than other languages, not counting Chinese. Incidentally, the Japanese version of this sentence is written with exactly 140 characters. How many characters does it take in other languages?

More Words:
Translate "日本でのツイッター人気の理由の一つは日本語という言語の特性にある。表意文字を使う日本語は、中国語には敵わないものの、他の多くの言語に比べて140字に多くの内容を盛り込むことができる。ちなみにこの例文の日本語版はちょうど140字で書かれているのだが、他の言語では何字になるだろうか?" to other language: