Translation of "こうです" in English

0.058 sec.

Examples of using "こうです" in a sentence and their english translations:


which is this:

秘訣は こうです

Here's a secret.


The question is this.


Here's the thing:

その問いは こうです

The question is this ...

それが今は こうです

And now, it looks like this.


Anything will do.


This was the second dilemma:


In the first you say to yourself,


In the second you say to yourself,

(ナレーション) 1つ目の ジレンマはこうです

MS: The first one was this:


Just water, please.


the basic principle goes like this:

意味はこうです: ママ パパはシャワーにいる?

This means: mom, is daddy in the shower?

彼がEQのコンセプトを 発見した経緯はこうです

And the way that he discovered the concept of emotional intelligence


- That is all right, so far as I am concerned.
- That's all right, so far as I'm concerned.


"Where is your house?" "It is over there."


- No, thank you. I am just looking.
- No, thank you. I'm just looking.
- No, thank you. I'm just looking around.

持続維持可能な地球の 新しい方程式はこうです

Here's a new equation for a sustainable planet:


"Will you have another cup of coffee?" "No, thank you."

長いこと時間がかかりました その理由はこうです

what I want to do with my life, for a few reasons.

でも何十もの会社を経営した私の 見解はこうです

But please, take it from somebody who has run dozens of businesses:

誠実な振舞いを促す インセンティブがなかったとしてもこうです

without any incentives you put in place for them to behave honestly.


Don't bother to call me.


You may come tomorrow if it is your pleasure to do so.

- いいえ、けっこうです。見ているだけですから。
- 大丈夫です。見てるだけなので。

No, thank you. I'm just looking around.

- わざわざ電話をかけてくださらなくてけっこうです。
- わざわざ電話していただくには及びません。

Don't bother to call me.

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