Translation of "Levette" in English

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Examples of using "Levette" in a sentence and their english translations:

Levette a szemüvegét.

- He took off his glasses.
- She took her glasses off.

Levette a kalapját.

He took off his hat.

Levette a pólóját.

He removed his shirt.

Levette a napszemüvegét.

He removed his sunglasses.

Levette a kesztyűjét.

She took her gloves off.

Levette az olvasószemüvegét.

He took his reading glasses off.

- Tomi levette a zokniját.
- Tomi levette a zoknit.
- Tomi levette a zoknit a lábáról.

Tom removed his socks.

Mary levette a nyakláncát.

- Mary took her necklace off.
- Mary took off her necklace.

Tom levette az esőkabátját.

Tom took off his raincoat.

Tom levette az álruháját.

Tom removed his disguise.

Tomi levette a jegygyűrűjét.

- Tom took off his wedding ring.
- Tom took his wedding ring off.

Tom levette az álszakállát.

Tom removed his fake beard.

Levette a nyirkos zokniját.

She removed her wet socks.

Tom levette a sisakját.

Tom took off his helmet.

Tom levette a parókáját.

Tom pulled off his wig.

Tom levette a kabátját.

Tom removed his coat.

Tom levette a kalapját.

- Tom took off his hat.
- Tom took his hat off.

Mária levette a nyakláncát.

Mary took off her necklace.

Tamás levette az ingét.

Tom took his shirt off.

Mária levette a cipőjét.

Mary pulled off her shoes.

Mari levette a zokniját.

Mary removed her socks.

A lány levette a kabátját.

She took off her coat.

A hercegnő levette a kesztyűjét.

The princess removed her gloves.

Tom levette a kerti kesztyűjét.

Tom took off his garden gloves.

Levette az ujjáról a gyűrűt.

He took the ring off his finger.

Tom levette a bőrdzsekijét és leült.

Tom took off his leather jacket and sat down.

Tomi levette a kötést Mari kezéről.

Tom is the one who took the bandage off of Mary's arm.

Tom levette a lábát a gázról.

Tom took his foot off the gas.

Levette a kabátját és a kesztyűjét.

- He took his coat and gloves off.
- He took off his coat and gloves.

Levette a szemüvegét és berakta a kontaktlencséket.

She took off her glasses and put her contacts in.

Levette a sapkáját, és belépett a szobába.

He entered the room with his hat off.

Tom levette a kalapját, és meghajolt előttük.

Tom took off his hat and bowed down to them.

A rendőr levette Tom kezéről a bilincset.

The police officer removed Tom's handcuffs.

- Tomi levette a cipőjét.
- Tomi kilépett a cipőjéből.

Tom took off his shoes.

Tom levette a kabátját és ledobta a padlóra.

Tom took off his coat and threw it on the floor.

Tomi levette a szemüvegét és elrakta a zsebébe.

Tom took his glasses off and put them in his pocket.

Tom levette a cilinderét és beszállt a kocsijába.

Tom took off his top hat and got into his car.

- Tomi levette a zokniját.
- Tomi lehúzta a zokniját.

- Tom removed his socks.
- Tom took off his socks.

Tom levette a sisakját és letette a földre.

Tom took his helmet off and put it on the ground.

Tomi levette a szemüvegét és becsukta a szemét.

Tom took off his glasses and closed his eyes.

Tomi levette a jegygyűrűjét és a tóba dobta.

Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.

Levette a ruháit, és beállt a zuhany alá.

He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower.

Tomi levette a koszos gúnyáit és berakta a mosógépbe.

Tom stripped off his dirty clothes and threw them into the washing machine.

- Tomi levette a cipőjét, a hátizsákjába tette és bement a mecsetbe.
- Tom levette a cipőjét, beletette a hátizsákjába és belépett a mecsetbe.

Tom took off his shoes, put them into his backpack and entered the mosque.

A franciákat az Egyesült Királyság irányította és levette Le Marchant lovassága.

The French were routed and charged down by Le Marchant’s cavalry.

- Levetkőzött és belépett a zuhany alá.
- Levette a ruháit, és belépett a zuhanyzóba.

He took off his clothes and stepped into the shower.