Translation of "Amarillo" in English

0.070 sec.

Examples of using "Amarillo" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Y el amarillo?

And the yellow one?

Me llevo el amarillo.

I'll take the yellow one.

El plátano es amarillo.

A banana is yellow.

El carro es amarillo.

The car is yellow.

El libro es amarillo.

The book is yellow.

El sol es amarillo.

The sun is yellow.

- Somos dueños de un auto deportivo amarillo.
- Poseemos un auto deportivo amarillo.

We own a yellow sports car.

El juguete amarillo es pequeño.

The yellow toy is little.

Me gusta el color amarillo.

I like the colour yellow.

El libro es amarillo-café.

The book is tan.

Me encanta mi jersey amarillo.

I love my yellow sweater.

Puede ser rojo, verde o amarillo.

You get them in red, as well as green and yellow.

Ellos pintaron su casa amarillo claro.

They painted their house bright yellow.

Mi corazón es verde y amarillo.

My heart is green and yellow.

Eso no es amarillo; es verde.

This is not yellow; it's green.

Tom tiene un auto deportivo amarillo.

Tom owns a yellow sports car.

Rojo, amarillo y azul son colores.

- Red, yellow, and blue are colors.
- Red, yellow and blue are colors.

- Tienen la cara pintada de morado y amarillo.
- Llevan la cara pintada de morada y amarillo.

They have faces painted purple and yellow.

Ella se sentará en el sofá amarillo.

She's going to sit on the yellow couch.

María es la chica del vestido amarillo.

Mary is the girl wearing the yellow dress.

Jane llevaba un lazo amarillo en el pelo.

Jane had a yellow ribbon in her hair.

¿Quién es la niña en el impermeable amarillo?

Who's the girl in a yellow raincoat?

Usaré esas tijeras para cortar el papel amarillo.

I will use that pair of scissors to cut the yellow paper.

Mi amigo compró un coche de color amarillo.

My friend bought a yellow car.

¿Por qué no te pruebas este suéter amarillo?

Why don't you try on this yellow sweater?

- Yo nunca he visto un submarino amarillo en mi vida.
- Yo no he visto en mi vida un submarino amarillo.

I've never seen a yellow submarine in my life.

- Ese jersey amarillo cuesta el doble que este jersey azul.
- Ese suéter amarillo cuesta el doble que este suéter azul.

That yellow sweater costs twice as much as this blue one.

Pero ahora la madre asociará para siempre el amarillo

but now the mother will forever associate the color yellow

La chica llevaba en el pelo un lazo amarillo.

The girl wore a yellow ribbon in her hair.

Ellos pintaron de amarillo los marcos de las ventanas.

They painted the window frames yellow.

El patito de hule de mi hijo es amarillo.

My son's rubber duck is yellow.

Toda la ciudad estaba cubierta con un polvo amarillo.

The entire city was covered in yellow dust.

Normalmente el color amarillo se ve como un color feliz.

Usually, the color yellow is seen as a very happy color.

La madre solo ve el borrón amarillo por un segundo,

The mother only sees the blur of yellow for a second,

Si el sinestésico percibe un disco amarillo que hace esto,

so if a synaesthete experiences a yellow disc doing this,

Este gen Agouti, esencialmente, lo hacía estar gordo, fofo, amarillo,

And this Agouti gene basically made it fat, floppy, yellow,

Mi mamá le compró un paraguas amarillo a mi hermano.

- Mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella.
- My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella.
- My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella.

Ella no recuerda si su auto era amarillo o no.

She doesn't remember if his car was yellow or not.

Contador ganó el maillot amarillo en el Tour de Francia.

- Contador won the maillot jaune in the Tour de France.
- Contador won the yellow jersey in the Tour de France.

Su traje era gris y la corbata de color amarillo.

His suit was gray and his tie was yellow.

Este amarillo feo me recuerda el color de tu sábana.

This ugly yellow reminds me of the color of your bedsheets.

Yo nunca he visto un submarino amarillo en mi vida.

I've never seen a yellow submarine in my life.

Mientras que cantidades extremas de color amarillo hace llorar a los bebes.

whereas extreme amounts of the color yellow makes babies cry.

Ver a la mujer con el sombrero amarillo me recordó una historia.

Seeing the woman with the yellow hat reminded me of a story.

Lo que tenemos aquí es el color amarillo indio, es un color transparente muy agradable.

What we have got here is the colour Indian yellow, it is a very nice transparent colour.

La crema es un líquido blanco y amarillo claro compuesto de proteínas concentradas y grasas.

Cream is a white and light yellow liquid composed of concentrated proteins and fat.

- Es horrible, amarillo chillón y no va con nada. Pero al menos no te atropellarán en la oscuridad.
- Es horrible, amarillo chillón y no conjunta con nada. Pero al menos no te arrollarán en la oscuridad.

It's ugly, bright yellow and it doesn't go with anything. But at least you won't get run over in the dark!

La arena es amarilla, y también el sol es amarillo. La arena y el sol son amarillos.

The sand is yellow, and also the sun is yellow. The sand and the sun are yellow.

La única cosa sobre la mesa que normalmente no comería es esa cosa en el plato amarillo.

The only thing on the table that I normally wouldn't eat is that stuff on the yellow plate.

Alex parecía aprender sustantivos tales como "papel", "llave" y "corcho", y colores tales como "rojo", "verde" y "amarillo".

Alex seemed to learn nouns such as "paper," "key" and "cork," and color names such as "red," "green" and "yellow."

Si lo pintas de amarillo, matarás dos pájaros de un tiro: resaltará, y ahorrarás dinero porque puedes usar pintura que ya tienes.

If you paint it yellow, you'll kill two birds with one stone: it'll stand out, and you'll save money because you can use paint you already have.

Mi hermana no se hizo cargo de romper la lámpara, ella inventó una historia sobre alienígenas que vienen a la Tierra con el objetivo de destruir todo mueble de color amarillo.

My sister didn't own up to breaking the lamp, instead she made up some story about aliens coming to Earth with the objective of destroying every piece of yellow furniture.