Translation of "なぜか" in English

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Examples of using "なぜか" in a sentence and their english translations:

- なんで?
- なぜか?

Why so?


He looks blue for some reason.


Did you ask Tom why?


In this strange way, our lives were mirroring each other.


She looks blue for some reason.


For some reason I feel more alive at night.


Why did Jane go to the station?


I don't really know why.


- For some reason I can be honest with Tom.
- For some reason I can be honest with you, Tom.
- For some reason I can speak my true feelings with you, Tom.


It's useless, I'm not motivated today for some reason.


I wrote him to ask why.


For some reason, I'm happy when I see doubles.

- なんで?
- どうしてですか?
- なぜ?
- なぜか?
- どうして?



Somehow I just don't feel like hurrying. I have enough time.


For some reason, I feel sleepy when I start studying.

沈み込み帯全体に 分散していないのはなぜか?

Why don't we see it distributed throughout the entire subduction zone?

なぜかわからない 互いを大事にする想いです

our inexplicable care for one another.

それはなぜか 例を挙げて 説明したいと思います

So let me give you an example to demonstrate why this is the case.

なぜか凄い運転ができることを また経験しました

In such a state of mind, I was able to drive at an unimaginable level.


The teacher always thinks highly of the students who try to think, "Why?".


For some reason the message text was corrupted, so I restored it before reading.

‎諦めて岸へ戻ることに ‎なぜか少しだけ ‎進路が左へそれた

I'd kind of given up and was going back to the shore. Something just made me veer slightly to the left.

- なんで?
- どうしてですか?
- なぜ?
- なぜか?
- どうして?
- なぜなんだい?

- For what?
- Why?

私は疑問を覚えました この絵を送ろうと決めたのはなぜか

My question is: Why did we decide to send this drawing

「いつ どうやって」から始めましたが 「なぜ」かを知るべきでした

starting with how, when really what I needed to know was why.


I often find myself falling for jokers, regardless of their looks.

知らない番号からの着信でしたが なぜか 出ないといけない気がしました

It was a number I didn't recognize but something compelled me to answer it.


For some reason economic booms have names taken from Japanese mythology given to them.

- 先程、どういうわけかマイクが入りませんでした。
- さっきなぜかマイクが入らなかった。

For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.


Although an increase of unmarried mothers is needed in order to escape the declining birth rate for some reason public opinion in Japan is avoiding this argument.


For some reason it didn't go well, shot down at every attempt, and he led a sad "History of no girlfriend = Age" life.


In Tatoeba, you gotta always listen to veteran members. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.

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