How to pronounce Afeminadas in Spanish

0.002 sec.
La mayoría no había visto sus hogares en años. pero su rey parecía empeñado en la conquista sin fin. lo que era peor. había comenzado a adoptar los rituales. y el vestido de su enemigo persa derrotado. Las costumbres las veían como afeminadas y decadentes.

Nearby words:

You may want to improve your pronunciation of "afeminadas" by saying one of the nearby words below:

Tips to improve your Spanish pronunciation:

To pronounce the word "afeminadas" perfectly here is some tips that we recommend you to follow:

  • Repet the section several time so you can listen to the "afeminadas" carefully
  • Try to pronounce "afeminadas"
  • Look at the mirror and notice how your mouth and lips are moving during the pronouncing of "afeminadas"
  • Say "afeminadas" with differents intonations.
  • Record yourself pronouncing the word "afeminadas", then listen to yourself in order to mark your mistakes.
  • Put "afeminadas" in full sentences
  • Practice by speaking to yourself or others
  • Listen to podcasts or YouTube videos to learn how to pronounce "afeminadas"