How to pronounce Adictivo in Spanish

0.002 sec.
Este es un caos militar altamente adictivo y basado en recursos, que atiende a muchos estilos de juego. construye una línea medieval Maginot y espera el asalto enemigo, o juega como Napoleón, y lanza tu propio blitzkrieg berserker antes de que el enemigo sepa que vendrás. usa el enlace en la descripción del video para descargar Vaikins gratis, apoya el canal y obtén un bono especial de 200 monedas de oro y un escudo protector, que puede salvarte la vida. Gracias nuevamente a Vaikins War of Clans por apoyar este video

Nearby words:

You may want to improve your pronunciation of "adictivo" by saying one of the nearby words below:

Tips to improve your Spanish pronunciation:

To pronounce the word "adictivo" perfectly here is some tips that we recommend you to follow:

  • Repet the section several time so you can listen to the "adictivo" carefully
  • Try to pronounce "adictivo"
  • Look at the mirror and notice how your mouth and lips are moving during the pronouncing of "adictivo"
  • Say "adictivo" with differents intonations.
  • Record yourself pronouncing the word "adictivo", then listen to yourself in order to mark your mistakes.
  • Put "adictivo" in full sentences
  • Practice by speaking to yourself or others
  • Listen to podcasts or YouTube videos to learn how to pronounce "adictivo"