Translation of "«the" in Japanese

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "«the" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

On the Western Front, the Germans' final attack is defeated in the Second Battle of the Marne.

西武戦線では第2次マルヌ会戦が勃発 ドイツ最後の攻勢は頓挫した

The Bail Project,

The Bail Projectでは

The Paris Peace Conference opens at the Palace of Versailles, just outside the French capital.

パリ郊外のヴェルサイユ宮殿で パリ講和会議が始まった

And submitted to the Bourbons.

and submitted to the Bourbons.

So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

英軍はカンブレーで攻勢を開始 初の戦車による大規模攻撃である

The Bail Project сможет помочь им.

そこでThe Bail Projectの出番です

Proved the most capable of all.

proved the most capable of all.

Thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

At Kiel, the German High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a suicidal attack on the British navy,

キール軍港のドイツ大洋艦隊が英海軍への 自殺的攻撃を指令する

Мы с братом снимали фильм «The Great Dance».

‎「The Great Dance」という ‎映画を撮った

Davout, the youngest and least proven of Napoleon's Marshals,

Davout, the youngest and least proven of Napoleon's Marshals,

Products of a military meritocracy, forged in the French Revolution…

Products of a military meritocracy, forged in the French Revolution…

Their fates entwined in the rise and fall of empires.

Their fates entwined in the rise and fall of empires.

It marks the beginning of Britain's own strategic bombing campaign.


Here, as in Europe, the seeds of future conflict are sown.

ここにヨーロッパ同様 将来の紛争の種が蒔かれた

И вот этого 32-летнего отца семейства отправили на «лодку» ["The Boat"] —

そこで 32歳 父親でもあるラメルは 「ザ・ボート」と呼ばれる

But instead, it mutinies. Revolution spreads through Germany. The Kaiser abdicates and

しかし水兵達は叛乱で応えた 革命の波がドイツ全土を覆い 皇帝は退位する

The royalists had promised Davout that his officers would not be prosecuted for

The royalists had promised Davout that his officers would not be prosecuted for

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Thank you to all the Patreon supporters who have made this series possible.

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Visit our Patreon page to find out how you can support the channel,

The overstretched Bulgarian army collapses, and two weeks later Bulgaria signs an armistice.

押し切られたブルガリア軍は崩壊し 2週間後 ブルガリアは休戦条約を結ぶ

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout ensured Napoleon's safe passage to the coast,

Later accepting that he must abdicate, Davout ensured Napoleon's safe passage to the coast,

On 21st April, Germany's most famous pilot, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is

4月21日 ドイツの最も有名なエースパイロット リヒトホーフェン 通称「レッドバロン」が

In the Balkans, a new Allied offensive at Dobro Pole breaks through Bulgarian positions.

連合軍はバルカン半島で新たな攻勢を開始し ドブロポリエのブルガリア軍を撃破する

Four days later, Austria-Hungary signs an armistice with the Allies at Villa Giusti.

4日後 オーストリアも ヴィラ・ジュスティで休戦に署名した

On 11th November 1918, a German delegation signs an armistice with the Allies, inside

1918年11月11日 ドイツ代表団は コンピエーニュの森にて フォッシュ元帥の

It comes into force at 11am, but fighting continues until the last moment. American

休戦は午前11時に発効したが 戦闘は最後の瞬間まで続いた

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

Even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

even wishing to see him fail… not something they saw from the 'Iron Marshal' very often.

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

A superb administrator, he was a stern and loyal deputy for the Emperor in Poland and Germany.

While in the Far East, former German possessions in China are handed to Japan, to China's outrage.

極東では 中国のドイツ拠点が日本のものとなり 中国は憤慨した