Translation of "'the" in Italian

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Examples of using "'the" in a sentence and their italian translations:

On the Western Front, the Germans' final attack is defeated in the Second Battle of the Marne.

Sul Fronte Occidentale, l'attacco finale dei tedeschi viene fermato nella Seconda Battaglia della Marna.

The Paris Peace Conference opens at the Palace of Versailles, just outside the French capital.

La conferenza di pace di Parigi si apre al Palazzo di Versailles, appena fuori dalla capitale francese.

About the same time, the Austrian Fourth Column began its attack on the village of Essling,

About the same time, the Austrian Fourth Column began its attack on the village of Essling,

Oder von The Lives of the Stoics lernen, während Sie laufen.

o imparare da The Lives of the Stoics mentre corri.

Charles himself rode among the front ranks urging the men forward.

Charles himself rode among the front ranks urging the men forward.

So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

Allora i britannici attaccano a Cambrai, con il primo massiccio assalto di carri armati della storia.

At Kiel, the German High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a suicidal attack on the British navy,

A Kiel, alla flotta d'alto mare tedesca viene ordinato di compiere un attacco suicida contro la flotta britannica

Wir haben vorhin schon gehört: "connecting the dots".

Abbiamo già sentito poco prima: "Unire i puntini".

The Orangutan Project kämpft mit allen seinen Partnern

The Orangutan Project combatte insieme ai propri partner

But were slowly pushed back by the British.

but were slowly pushed back by the British.

Dies sind Ausschnitte aus dem Stück "The Lehman Trilogy",

Queste sono sequenze dell'opera "Lehman Trilogy"

But the Emperor wasn't going down without a fight.

But the Emperor wasn't going down without a fight.

Sie ist ein Freund von „Sex and the City“.

- È fan di Sex and the City.
- Lei è fan di Sex and the City.

It marks the beginning of Britain's own strategic bombing campaign.

Segna l'inizio della campagna di bombardamento strategica britannica.

Ich drehte mit meinem Bruder den Film The Great Dance.

Stavo facendo un film intitolato The Great Dance con mio fratello.

Here, as in Europe, the seeds of future conflict are sown.

Qui, come in Europa, vengono piantati i semi di futuri conflitti.

Oudinot's Second Corps and Davout's Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.

Oudinot's Second Corps and Davout's Third Corps advanced towards the Wagram.

Dieses Mal möchten wir 'Hack the Moon: Unsung Heroes of Apollo' empfehlen.

Questa volta vorremmo raccomandare "Hack the Moon: Unsung Heroes of Apollo".

But instead, it mutinies. Revolution spreads through Germany. The Kaiser abdicates and

ma invece si ammutina. La rivoluzione si diffonde in Germania. Il Kaiser abdica e

The French weren't just arrogant foreigners trampling on their national honour – they

The French weren't just arrogant foreigners trampling on their national honour – they

The overstretched Bulgarian army collapses, and two weeks later Bulgaria signs an armistice.

L'esercito bulgaro, troppo disperso, collassa, e due settimane più tardi la Bulgaria firma un armistizio.

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

On 21st April, Germany's most famous pilot, Manfred von Richthofen, the 'Red Baron', is

Il 21 aprile, il più famoso pilota tedesco, Manfred von Richtofen, il "Barone Rosso", viene

In the Balkans, a new Allied offensive at Dobro Pole breaks through Bulgarian positions.

Nei Balcani, una nuova offensiva alleata a Dobro Pole sfonda le posizioni bulgare.

Four days later, Austria-Hungary signs an armistice with the Allies at Villa Giusti.

Quattro giorni più tardi, l'Austria-Ungheria firma un armistizio con gli alleati a Villa Giusti.

On 11th November 1918, a German delegation signs an armistice with the Allies, inside

L'undici di novembre 1918, una delegazione tedesca firma un armistizio con gli alleati, dentro

It comes into force at 11am, but fighting continues until the last moment. amerikanisch

Entra in vigore alle 11 del mattino, ma il combattimento continua fino all'ultimo minuto. Il soldato

But then the bridge broke again, leaving Davout's Third Corps still waiting to cross.

But then the bridge broke again, leaving Davout's Third Corps still waiting to cross.

Napoleon expected the Austrians to retreat once more, and that he'd only face a rearguard.

Napoleon expected the Austrians to retreat once more, and that he'd only face a rearguard.

Wenn Sie die Geschichte lieben, werden Sie in Versuchung geführt Dutzende ihrer Kurse - 'The Big History

Se ami la storia, sarai tentato da dozzine dei loro corsi - 'The Big History

Das größte Schiff der Welt heißt "Harmony of the Seas". Es wurde 2015 zu Wasser gelassen.

La più grande nave da crociera al mondo si chiama "Harmony of the Seas". È stata inaugurata nell'anno 2015.

While in the Far East, former German possessions in China are handed to Japan, to China's outrage.

Mentre in Estremo Oriente, gli ex possedimenti tedeschi in Cina sono ceduti al Giappone, a oltraggio della Cina.

Half of Moore's army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two

Half of Moore's army deployed in a defensive line two miles south of the city, with two