Translation of "Many" in German

0.047 sec.

Examples of using "Many" in a sentence and their german translations:

Many fates, many encounters.

Viele Schicksale, viele Begegnungen.

- Many men, many minds.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Viele Köche verderben den Brei.

So many men, so many minds.

Es gibt so viele Meinungen wie Menschen.

So many heads, so many minds.

Viele Köpfe, viele Meinungen.

But for many businesses, many publishers,

Aber für viele Unternehmen, viele Publisher,

How many clicks, how many impressions,

wie viele Klicks, wie viele Impressionen,

Many greetings.

Viele Grüße.

How many?

Wie viel?

Many thanks.

Tausend Dank!

We have many more events, but many

Wir haben viel mehr Veranstaltungen, aber viele

- He won many competitions.
- She won many competitions.
- You won many competitions.

- Er hat viele Wettbewerbe gewonnen.
- Sie haben viele Wettbewerbe gewonnen.
- Sie hat viele Wettbewerbe gewonnen.

- Many admire him.
- Many admire her.
- There are many who admire him.
- There are many who admire her.

Es gibt viele, die sie bewundern.

- Christianity has many followers.
- Christianity has many adherents.

Das Christentum hat viele Anhänger.

- How many sisters do you have, and how many brothers?
- How many sisters do you have? How many brothers?

Wie viele Schwestern hast du und wie viele Brüder?

Not as many.

Nicht so viele.

Me? Many times!

Ich? Schon sehr oft!

Contained many messages

enthielt viele Nachrichten

But many students

Doch viele Schülerinnen und Schüler

In many institutions

Bei vielen Einrichtungen

many beautiful things.

viele schöne Dinge gesehen.

How many died?

- Wie viele Tote?
- Wie viele sind gestorben?

Many fish died.

Viele Fische starben.

Many were slain.

Viele wurden erschlagen.

Many admire her.

Viele bewundern sie.

Many admire him.

Viele bewundern ihn.

Many people died.

Viele kamen ums Leben.

Many predictions fail.

Viele Vorhersagen gehen fehl.

How many people?

Wie viele Leute?

Many people left.

Viele Leute sind weggegangen.

Many people hunt.

Viele Leute jagen.

Many will die.

Viele werden sterben.

I've had many.

Ich hatte viele.

There are many rules, there are many theories, idiot

Es gibt viele Regeln, es gibt viele Theorien, Idiot

So many companies have big budgets and many employees.

So viele Unternehmen haben große Budgets und viele Mitarbeiter.

One can't help many, but many can help one.

Ein Einzelner kann nicht vielen helfen, aber viele können einem Einzelnen helfen.

- He overcame many difficulties.
- He has overcome many obstacles.

Er hat viele Schwierigkeiten überwunden.

There are many countries and many cultures on Earth.

Es gibt viele Länder und viele Kulturen auf der Erde.

- How many people died?
- How many people have died?

Wie viele Personen sind gestorben?

How many sisters do you have? How many brothers?

Wie viele Schwestern hast du und wie viele Brüder?

- Many men, many minds.
- Different strokes for different folks.

Viele Köche verderben den Brei.

Many, many years ago, there lived an old man.

Vor vielen, vielen Jahren lebte einmal ein alter Mann.

- We have made many mistakes.
- We made many mistakes.

Wir haben viele Fehler gemacht.

This has been the custom for many, many years.

Über viele, viele Jahre war das so üblich.

- You have made many mistakes.
- You've made many mistakes.

Du hast viele Fehler gemacht.

- Tom mispronounces many words.
- Tom pronounces many words incorrectly.

Tom spricht viele Wörter falsch aus.

- We have made many mistakes.
- We've made many mistakes.

Wir haben viele Fehler gemacht.

- There are many dangers ahead.
- Many dangers lie ahead.

Viele Gefahren stehen bevor.

It was many, many years of building it up,

Es war viele, viele Jahre des Aufbaus,

- You've been making too many mistakes.
- You've made too many mistakes.
- You made too many mistakes.

- Du hast zu viele Fehler gemacht.
- Ihr habt zu viele Fehler gemacht.
- Sie haben zu viele Fehler gemacht.

So over time I've gathered many, many of these sketches,

So habe ich über Zeit viele von diesen Skizzen gesammelt

How many friends he had, so many would be prepared

Wie viele Freunde er hatte, so viele würden vorbereitet sein

We buy many products from many parts of the world.

Wir kaufen viele Produkte aus vielen Teilen der Welt.

- Many students bought the book.
- Many pupils bought the book.

- Viele Schüler kauften das Buch.
- Viele Schüler kauften dieses Buch.

- We talked of many things.
- We talked about many things.

Wir haben über viele Dinge geredet.

- He is confronted by many difficulties.
- He faces many obstacles.

Er steht vielen Hindernissen gegenüber.

- He's had many bad experiences.
- He's had many unhappy experiences.

Er hat viele unangenehme Erlebnissse gehabt.

- How many colors are there?
- How many colours are there?

Wie viele Farben gibt es?

- This book contains many pictures.
- This book has many pictures.

In diesem Buch gibt es viele Bilder.

How many sisters do you have, and how many brothers?

Wie viele Schwestern hast du und wie viele Brüder?

- How many were there?
- How many of them were there?

- Wie viele waren es?
- Wie viele waren da?

- She has many valuable books.
- She owns many valuable works.

Sie besitzt viele wertvolle Bücher.

- She doesn't have many friends.
- He doesn't have many friends.

Er hat nicht viele Freunde.

- She has too many boyfriends.
- She has too many friends.

Sie hat zu viele Freunde.

- There are many islands in Greece.
- Greece has many islands.

In Griechenland gibt es viele Inseln.

- We spoke about many subjects.
- We talked of many things.

Wir sprachen über viele Dinge.

How many cups of coffee a day are too many?

Wie viele Tassen Kaffee am Tag sind zu viel?

- How many were they?
- How many of them were there?

Wie viele waren da?

Julia has many roses and many lilies in her garden.

Julia hat viele Rosen und viele Lilien in ihrem Garten.

- How many did you take?
- How many did you get?

Wie viele hast du bekommen?

Compare how many there were with how many are left.

Vergleiche, wie viel da war und wie viel übriggeblieben ist.